The Best Of 2013 – Adonis (Winner: His Secret Dancer by Faberge Nostromo)
Worlds collide when Franci sees Danielle at Tomasz’s club and Dan’s secret is laid bare. Can love conquer all and these star-crossed lovers embrace their star cross-dresser in a boy-girl-boy/girl ménage a trois?
The Best Of 2013 – Anthologies (Winner: Ad-Dick-Tion Vol 3)
The Best Of 2013 – Best Cover (Winner: Colour of Dreams by Tia Dani)
What happens when a Wiccan highpriestess and three mischievous nymphs conjure spells on an environmentalist and a jet engine designer? Magic, mayhem, and wild nights of passion.
The Best Of 2013 – Contemporary Romance (Winner: Winter Gifts by Kelleia Ashley)
A blizzard, a hunky chef, and an accident-prone milkmaid—ingredients for a passionate fling, or a recipe for a blazing romance, hot enough for a lifetime of winters?
The Best Of 2013 – Erotika (Winner: Christmas Eve Surprise by Ivy Bateman)
Christmas is a time for love and thoughtful gifts, but sometimes surprises go a little too far.
The Best Of 2013 – Naughty Nursery Rhymes (Winner: Red as a Rose by D. F. Krieger)
In this sexy retelling of Red Riding Hood, danger abounds. Can a seductive witch save the big bad wolf she finds in her grandmother’s bed? Or will she fall prey not only to the woodsmen that hunt him, but the lure of her own powers?
The Best Of 2013 – Paranormal (Winner: Birthrite by Max Ellendale)
No job, new gift, a pack of wolves, and two feral mates. How can Shawnee possibly decide her future and keep her loved ones happy? Or worse, satisfied.
The Best of 2013 -Timeless (Winner: Conquest of the Heart by Michelle Stegman)
Madeline wants a big, brash, never-defeated-in-battle, Norman knight. What she gets, by order of the king, is a wiry Saxon who once studied for the priesthood instead of warfare. But is this gentle man she has fallen in love with entangled in the rebellion now sweeping the land?
The Best of 2013 – Staff Choice (Winner: Timeless Night by Torie James)
In an epic battle of good versus evil, one woman finds herself the focal point of a magical feud. Sabrina thought she knew who she was until a knight of long ago returns to steal her heart.
The Best Of 2013 – Lycaon Press (Winner: Sightseers by Tricia Cornwall & Erasing: Shadows by K. D. Rose)
What if the only way to stop a kidnapper and save a best friend’s life was to fall asleep? Would you close your eyes? – Sightseers
What if to save the ones you love, you had to unlock the key to a different reality? – Erasing: Shadows
The Best of 2013 – Realms (Winner: Stolen Time by J. M. Powers)
After her plan to steal the Magic Stone goes awry, Margery accidentally travels to the future and is forced to reassess the true meaning of love.
We asked our winners – in the spirit of award season – who they would like to thank for winning the award.
The Best Of 2013 – Adonis (Winner: His Secret Dancer by Faberge Nostromo)
I was totally gobsmacked to win the 2013 Best Of Adonis award for His Secret Dancer and I’d like to thank my editor Tasha Taylor, my brilliant cover artist Mina Carter, the lovely and very understanding Gayl Taylor (we will talk guitars at some length one day), all of the Breathless Press author family for their support and encouragement, especially Doris O’Connor and Leona Bushman, my family, all my friends who voted for me and the person who made me do it—the lady in the bikini with the wine and the MacBook; Raven McAllan, it’s all your fault.
The Best Of 2013 – Anthologies (Winner: Ad-Dick-Tion Vol 3)
The Best Of 2013 – Best Cover (Winner: Colour of Dreams by Tia Dani)
The Best Of 2013 – Contemporary Romance (Winner: Winter Gifts by Kelleia Ashley)
Joshua Ashley, my husband and biggest supporter, is responsible for me winning this award. He pushed me to try when I would have given up my dream of becoming a writer. I also have a fantastic group of family, friends, and fans who support my writing. I love them all. 🙂
The Best Of 2013 – Erotika (Winner: Christmas Eve Surprise by Ivy Bateman)
I would like to thank my incredibly supportive fans and friends. I would also very much like to thank all the very helpful and patient people at Breathless Press who helped bring this book to life.
As well, Hugh Jackman and Aurthur Darvill who were huge inspirations, unknowingly, but brilliant all the same, when it came to writing “Bob” and “Tim”.
The Best Of 2013 – Naughty Nursery Rhymes (Winner: Red as a Rose by D. F. Krieger)
I would like to thank my editor, Leona, for pushing me and raising the bar. Every book I write, she heightens her expectations and forces me to write something far greater than I ever thought myself capable of.
The Best Of 2013 – Paranormal (Winner: Birthrite by Max Ellendale)
I’d like to thank the Academy– oh wait, no. Wrong scene. I’d like to thank everyone who voted for Birthrite, especially my sister who acted as my nonprofit PR rep. Jules, Justyn, Deadra, Victoria, and all the behind the scenes folks who helped bring this story to life. And my family and friends who are endless sources of support.
The End.
The Best of 2013 -Timeless (Winner: Conquest of the Heart by Michelle Stegman)
The Best of 2013 – Staff Choice (Winner: Timeless Night by Torie James)
“I want it duly noted that if this were the actual Academy Awards, I’d be Jennifer Lawrence-ing my way to the podium in excitement. Which would end with me taking a header into Brad Pitt’s lap. C’mon..let me dream!
Seriously, though there are so many people to thank it would take me a good six or seven hours to list them all. Luckily, they all know who they are because I make sure to tell them every day how amazing they are and how much better my world is because of them. For all the wonderful people who have taken New Camelot to heart and found something beautiful about my world…this is for you! Thanking my fab lovelies here at Breathless Press is a must since without them none of this would be happening. They took a chance on a chubby woman with a dream of knights and chivalry, vampires and Fae Folk. Here we are, and we are just getting started.
Lastly, I want to thank that awkward freckle faced little girl with big glasses, big hair and bigger dreams. The one who got lost for a while as she traveled the road of life and found out that she could change her stars and that her feet knew the way the whole time. Ever forward, ever onward.” ~Torie James~
The Best Of 2013 – Lycaon Press (Winner: Sightseers by Tricia Cornwall & Erasing: Shadows by K. D. Rose)
Erasing: Shadows tied for best book. I would like to thank my editor, Leona Bushman who took a chance on me, is unfailingly supportive, and a smart cookie to boot! – KD Rose
The Best of 2013 – Realms (Winner: Stolen Time by J. M. Powers)
Wow. There are a lot of people to thank for winning this award. My publisher, Breathess Press, for nominating my book, Stolen Time deserves a huge thank you. I can’t forget the people who chose to vote for my books, including my co-worker, Jessica, my daughters, Ayla and Jenny who tweeted like a bird to get the word out. I’d like to thank my sister, Cheryl Hartsell, for her push to “get writing, wench” during the creation of Stolen Time or this book wouldn’t have been finished in order to be nominated. I’d like to send out a big hug to a certain Delta employee, Darrel a.k.a. Mountain Man, who gave me pointers in order to create an accurate airplane hangar scene.
So you see, as an author, I have many people behind me. And many to thank. Especially my editor, Spencer Freeman, an invaluable addition to my writer world. She helped me polish this Magic Stone book to perfection. I also need to thank her for her comments–which at times made me laugh so loud I woke my dog. (My dog doesn’t thank her though.) Last but not least, thank you to Maggie Montgomery, my blurb wizard.