
Why I stopped watching Star Wars movies!



If you don’t know this about me I’m a HUGE Star Wars fan.  I remember my dad taking me and my little brother to go see a movie that he thought would be like Star Trek.  I was 10 years old in 1977 and in some ways, it defined my outlook on men.  Yes, men.  At that age, I didn’t quite understand boys but once I saw Harrison Ford/Han Solo, I got it.  He was dashing, a rogue that made mistakes and got the girl in the end.  Of course, I had to wait until the next one came out.  He was a loyal friend, a fighter to the end and knew what his fate was when he meet his son again.

Yes, I’m talking about THAT scene in The Force Awakens.  For most people, the new movies are all about Carrie Fisher.  Not me.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved Carrie Fisher/Princess Leia.  But as I’ve said in an earlier post, I was surrounded by strong women and therefore she is the damsel in distress…sort of.  I’m more of the romantic type when it comes to women in movies.  I loved Wonder Woman but I wanted to see the romantic relationship with Steve above all else.  I’m just wired that way.  I grew up that all women could do whatever they wanted to do but they also needed to be a bit of June Cleaver, too.  I’m over 50 years old now and I still feel that way.  Yes, I’m all for women’s rights but what I don’t get is all the screaming and shouting that women are doing now.  I think its a southern thing to just give someone “the look” and they knew what you are thinking and doing.  My mom says that I can tell someone off with just a look and a smile on my face.

So when the kids at school keep asking me why I haven’t seen the movie, I explain it to them like this.  My childhood was wrecked, over in that one scene in The Force Awakens.  My first love, my hero died and I’m still not over it.  I realize that all good things must go at some point but I feel cheated that I waited almost 40 years to see Han, Luke, and Leia together again and I didn’t get that.  Not one scene of them together in the movie and now with Carrie’s death, I will never get that.  Not to mention that Luke never utters a word AND we have to wait until the end of the movie to even see him.  I feel as if my Star Wars experience is over.  I love the new characters but it’s just not the same.  I’m one of those that read the authorized books afterward and the storyline just doesn’t do it for me.  JJ did such a fantastic job with the reboot of Star Trek but I feel as if the new people in charge of Star Wars missed the mark.  I say that but I will have to say that Rogue One is my second favorite Star Wars movie of all time.  I can watch that movie over and over again.  You know the outcome but the journey to get there is a beautiful one.  The characters came to life for me and the struggle that they went through and the sacrifices they made for the Rebellion.  I don’t see that in the new films.

So why am I writing this today?  Because people still ask me about the movies.  I tell them how Star Wars and Han Solo defined me as a woman.  There is one other fictional character that has defined my outlook on men and that is Jack Ryan.  Ironically, Harrison Ford played him, too.  See a pattern.  When I look at Harrison Ford, I see my dad.  I see strength, courage, a twinkle in his eye but above else, the ability to put people first.  Han Solo made the ultimate sacrifice but that doesn’t mean that I have to like it.


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