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Top Ten List from Faberge Nostromo featuring As Dreams Are Made On




A stricken starship, a captain lost in space; a beautiful alien girl, marooned and adrift in time; the perfect robotic servant. Can he help them come together and find the space and time for love?



Her starship, Prospero, out of control and hurtling toward an uncharted world, Captain Jane Ferdinand takes to the escape pods. Finding herself alone on an island, the last thing she expects to find is love

Miranda, marooned since a baby with only her father, Jacques-Pierre, and their ultra-adaptable android servant, R.E.L, spends her time exploring her father’s books and dreaming of love. And on a night when a mysterious shooting star flashes across the horizon, she finally makes full use of R.E.L.’s adaptability to explore her emerging desires—desires that, with gentle guidance from Captain Ferdinand, help her discover her awakening sexuality.

But can her dreams and their love survive when R.E.L.’s gender adaptability threatens to come between them and Captain Ferdinand uncovers the secret that her father has kept from Miranda for twenty years?



“I am a woman, Miranda. Flesh and blood. The same as you.”

Miranda breathed in slowly, her gaze flitting from Ferdinand’s eyes to her lips.

“Yes. Yes. You are. Captain, kiss me again.”

Ferdinand sought her mouth now, more eagerly, and darted her tongue inside. The kiss was full and deep, both girls probing and tussling with their tongues as Ferdinand ran her fingers through Miranda’s long purple tresses. She felt Miranda put her hand on the small of her back, pushing harder, her other hand stroking her neck. She felt her body come alive to Miranda’s touch as her hands explored every inch of her back and shoulders, gently sliding over her uniform, tracing her spine and muscles through the tight material, kneading and caressing in turn.

Their mouths parted, tongues teasing until Ferdinand leaned to one side and danced a series of butterfly kisses on the smooth blue skin of Miranda’s neck and throat. Miranda gasped and slid her hand around from Ferdinand’s back and inched toward the curve of her breast.

“Captain…” Miranda whispered.

“Jane. It’s Jane,” Ferdinand replied in between the pattern of kisses she was placing on Miranda’s neck. Miranda inched her fingers toward Ferdinand’s breast until they gently brushed the smooth lower curve. She stopped.

“Jane, should I…”

“Yes, Miranda,” Ferdinand replied. She placed a hand on Miranda’s and gently moved it up until Miranda’s slim blue fingers covered her breast. “Let your emotions and desires tell you what to do.”

Ferdinand’s nipple hardened as Miranda gently explored the curve and outline of her breast through the tight silver of her uniform. Ferdinand released her hand and placed her own on Miranda’s pert, firm breast, feeling her nipple already hard through the silk. She circled the tight button with her thumb and felt Miranda mirror her movements.

They kissed again, deeply, as each felt the other’s soft curves and hard nipples, Miranda’s fingers exploring, Ferdinand’s confident and insistent. Ferdinand was wet now and wanted those smooth blue fingers to explore inside her. She knew she had to gently lead Miranda there, to teach her, guide her.

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Top ten things you don’t know about me:

1.  Cotton or Silk?

For me – silk shirts, maybe a silk linen mix, Egyptian cotton sheets (white, freshly ironed), cotton/linen trousers, Italian silk ties when I’m in a smart suit; but for the lady in my life? Oh, silk, please, oh yes; with maybe a few leather accessories?


2.  Champagne/beer/wine?

The lady in my life can always be seen sipping something fizzy from a flute and I do like to help her with that. She says you should always have a bottle of champagne in the fridge for a special occasion and sometimes the special occasion is that you have a bottle of champagne in the fridge…

When I’m out with the boys I’m a beer man, real ale; Adnams from Southwold in Suffolk or Fuller’s London Pride. But when I’m relaxing at home, a soft Italian red or a more robust Australian shiraz, if its called for.


3.  Plotter/pantser

Pants, oh dear yes pants… with the merest hint of a plot idea floating away at the back of my mind. Usually my characters drive what I write. Sometimes you just have to let them have their head and hang onto the reins. I usually have an idea of the arc of the story and the plot points I need to hit but even the starship in As Dreams Are Made On dictated some of what was happening, deciding its own layout and technology. In my current WiP I have a whole planet that won’t do as it’s told.


4.  Describe your workspace

Coffee shops, kitchen table, buses, trains… no set space right now. Huge chunks of my first book were written on a smartphone on trains to and from London and nearly all of my editing takes place in coffee shops.


5.  Sports fan or just tolerate it?

Not really a fan of any particular sport but I could easily spend the whole fortnight glued to the BBC for Wimbledon and I’ve adored the Olympics, the Paralympics and the Winter Olympics. I tolerate football when it’s the World Cup.


6.  Who is your biggest influence on writing?

The book I’ve just read.


7.  Favorite food –

Almost anything really. I’ve eaten a bug straight off a tree in the Amazon jungle, what looked like frogspawn in Cambodia and a horse steak in Iceland but the one thing I always, always say ‘yes’ to is a full English breakfast.
8.  When did you start writing?

I always have. I wrote a sort of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea meets James Bond short story in primary school and have wanted to be a writer ever since. It didn’t really happen though until I met Raven McAllan as she sat sipping wine, writing on a MacBook by a pool in South Africa. Something sparked from that meeting and I though “I could do that”… “I should do that”… “I’m doing that”. And I did do that.


9.  If money were no object, where would you like to live?

Back in my hometown, London. I’m an east end boy and I miss it loads. I also love to be in New York. I’m a city boy who currently lives in the country.
10.  What’s next for you?

As Dreams Are Made On hits the (virtual) streets, I have a short story that’s about to lurch into editing, about a Scottish vampire and his werewolf surrogate mother, and I’m deep into my next full length novel, a sci-fi romance where the captain and first mate of a starship on a dangerous peace mission have their emotions and sexuality challenged by the mysterious alien empaths tasked with bringing about peace on a planet ravaged by a gender war.

Author Bio:Faberge Author Pic

Faberge Nostromo grew up in the East End of London before escaping to East Anglia. He has been a civil servant, a tea boy, sound engineer, a librarian, and an IT consultant, but always knew that he was a writer. He now lives deep in the heart of Suffolk with his wife, son, and too many guitars.

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