Excerpt · Giveaways

Excerpt from The White Lady (Ladies in Time #2) by Beth Trissel w/a rafflecopter giveaway! @BethTrissel

The White Lady by Beth Trissel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GENRE:   Ghostly Holiday Time Travel Romance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLURB: Avery Dunham has always been ready to follow her friend, time-traveling wizard, Ignus Burke, on incredible adventures. This time, though, she has serious misgivings. It's just one week before Christmas, but she cannot get him to change his mind. The… Continue reading Excerpt from The White Lady (Ladies in Time #2) by Beth Trissel w/a rafflecopter giveaway! @BethTrissel

Giveaways · Release Day · Teaser Excerpts

Happy Happy Release Day to Caught Between Worlds by debut author G.P. Gadbois w/a rafflecopter giveaway!

HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY TO CAUGHT BETWEEN WORLDS! Caught Between WorldsContemporary Romance / PNR By G.P. Gadbois Publisher: Roane Publishing Release Date: August 15, 2016 Keywords: Romance, contemporary, paranormal, ghosts, friendship, adventure, road trip   Gabrielle and three college friends must deal with a temporary setback when they are stranded in St. Clair, USA. Her holiday unravels… Continue reading Happy Happy Release Day to Caught Between Worlds by debut author G.P. Gadbois w/a rafflecopter giveaway!

Excerpt · Promo

Excerpt from Dani-Lyn Alexander’s Ghost

  Genre: Paranormal Romance After a head injury, Jess begins to see things she can’t explain. She starts to wonder if she’s hallucinating, losing her mind completely...or if something far worse might be happening. ~Excerpt~ A scream erupted from her throat, dragging her forcefully from the nightmare that held her captive. Heart pounding, chest heaving,… Continue reading Excerpt from Dani-Lyn Alexander’s Ghost