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STORIES FOR AMANDA ~ A Benefit to Fight Against Bullying

Having just watched Amanda’s video she made and listened to her parents speak after her death, I am heartbroken.  Has our World really gotten that backwards that a child who was trying to move past a couple of mistakes made at a young age would be abused, stalked and emotionally tortured for years?  And was this an isolated case? No it was not.  My 10 and 12 year old daughters both suffered some bullying separately at school just this past week for no reason other than someone else thought they could.

I am honored to be a part of working towards a positive change.  These authors have taken a horrible event and created something that can bring good.  The 16 stories they have written are enjoyable and educational.  Please read about these Stories for Amanda.

~ Liberty

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About Stories for Amanda:

Amanda Todd was a young girl who dealt with bullying for three years.  Lured into a bad decision by a cyber-stalker when she was only 12 years old, she was mercilessly targeted online and in real life over and over again, until it became more than she could deal with.

 She wanted to help other kids by sharing her story and letting them know they should never be punished for who they are or for making a mistake. is an organization that reaches out to kids in need, educates about the harmful effects of bullying and provides resources that can make a real difference.

If you don’t know Amanda’s story, you can search her on YouTube and see a video she made 3 weeks prior to taking her own life (she tells her story) because of 3 years of vicious bullying.


When people try to bring you down, it’s because you’re above them.

You only need one person to believe in you… that person is YOU.

With love to Princess Snowflake and others in need…


100% of the proceeds from sale of this book will be donated toward that vision.

The authors are humbled and proud to offer our support to this very worthy cause.


Stories for Amanda is a collection of short stories from these 16 VERY talented authors:

Karen Avivi: Out of It (Stand Alone story)
Kahlen Aymes: When I Met You (Missing Scene from The Remembrance Trilogy (Ryan and Julia)
E.K. Blair: Hoping (Missing scene from ROTTEN)
J.L. Brooks: Unforgettable (Stand Alone)
Claire Contreras: Love is Blind (Stand Alone but characters from upcoming release, Catch Me)
Kelly Elliott: Beautiful (Stand Alone)
Kailin Gow: Saving Snowflakes (A You & Me Trilogy Story for Book 1: Saving You Saving Me)
Karina Halle: Defying the Dust (Stand Alone featuring characters from The Artists Trilogy)
Nina Lane: Pie Love You (A Spiral of Bliss short story)
Raine Miller: Priceless (A Rothvale Legacy Story)
E.L. Montes: Jacob & Noelle (Stand Alone)
Alexa Nazzaro: The Squall (Stand Alone)
Jessica Prince: More Than Life Itself (Short story from Picking Up The Pieces Anthology)
Madeline Sheehan: Just Breathe (Stand Alone)
Michelle Valentine: Rock the Beginning (Black Falcon prequel to Rock the Heart)
Nikki Worrell: The Marriage Clause (Stand Alone)




I was approached by Flirty Dirty Book Blog after the RT Convention last May about this cause so I researched Amanda’s story and like so many others, was moved to tears. I have a daughter that is just a year or two younger than Amanda was when she ended her life. I asked Denise Tung… “What if we put together a book where 100% of the proceeds went to help fund the anti-bullying effort?” She was thrilled with the idea and then I reached out to some of my author- friends. The response was overwhelming and the rest, as they say, is history.

Now it is 16 stories (some missing scenes from a popular series) and some brand new short stories, from 16 authors that reach across the Young Adult, New Adult and Romance genres. It is our hope that our readers will come together to support this very worthy cause and that we can help, in some small way, to keep even one more child from suffering from this horrific epidemic…

 These are very generous women and I feel honored to share pages with them.



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