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#Review of The Scent of a Man by Miriam Newman, Jae El Foster, Jennifer Patricia O’Keeffe, Kristi Ahlers w/a rafflecopter giveaway! @KristiAhlers @miriamnewman @JaeElBooks @authorjpokeeffe

The Scent of a Man

by Miriam Newman, Jae El Foster, Jennifer Patricia O’Keeffe, Kristi Ahlers


GENRE:   Romantic Comedy, RomCom, ChickLit



Warm your heart, put a smile on your face, and get ready for a bellyful of laughs with this collection of four original romantic comedies. Featuring laugh-out-loud tales by some of today’s most talented authors, ‘The Scent of a Man’ will pull you into the world of true love and the antics and misadventures that it takes to find it. Your cure for the doldrums and tribulations of the real world awaits in this shining collection of PG-13 short stories of lively, eclectic and humorous proportions. Remember, there is no greater scent than the scent of a man, so settle back, get comfortable, and take a nice, deep whiff of hilarity.

‘Love Cabin’ by Miriam Newman
He thinks she’s a snob. She thinks he hates women. It’s going to take a lot to work this out.

‘Exiled to Love’ by Jae El Foster
An exiled witch must learn to live without her powers, but will she risk losing everything to save a mortal’s life?

‘The Scent of a Man’ by Jennifer Patricia O’Keeffe
An injured woman must endure homecare with the aid of a handsome man that threatens to win her heart.

‘The Scent of You’ by Kristi Ahlers
A woman, terrified of flying, boards a plane at her brother’s beckoning. Can a first class surprise shake her from her nervous angst?


Excerpt Four:

‘The Scent of You’ by Kristi Ahlers

Arden smiled at the man beside her. The man who managed to become so very important to her in less than eight hours. A man she was going to have to walk away from. Her throat tightened but she refused to cry.

“So, what’s your favorite color,” Cade asked as he soothed her with his attentions.


“Favorite food?”

“Depends on the moment. I love sushi. Anything with lobster in it. Hmmm, brie cheese, but it has to be melted and super gooey. I love a good burger but it has to be good, not some chain restaurant’s idea of a burger.”

“Nice.” Cade smiled. “What is your favorite season?”

“I guess I like paprika if it’s not used too much. Does vanilla count as a spice? I really love vanilla. I have to admit I’m not a spicy spice kinda girl.”

The guys all laughed softly.

“No, baby, what season like spring or summer.” Cade brushed a strand of hair off her face.

Arden willed the world to just open up and swallow her. Of course that’s what he meant. Because who talks about spices in a kitchen cabinet as a form of getting to know a person. Unless, of course, they were talking to a chef, which, she wasn’t. Yeah, she was a bright one all right.

“Hey, did we lose you?” Cade asked.

“No, I couldn’t be that lucky after being such a dork.”

“Hey, none of that. Easy mistake. So…what’s your favorite season?”


As usual with me, I will say a few things about each story in the book.  Overall, I just adored this collection.  Each one of them is very different which I enjoyed on its own merit.  Please keep in mind that they are sweet romances or there is an HFN or a “what if”, too.  Again, that’s why I will give this collection my highest mark.  Some are short and some are longer but each author made sure to let us really get to know the characters and what their motivation was in the end.  Which sometimes is not the case.

Love Cabin by Miriam Newman

This is a true gem of a story.  Grumpy hero, a heroine that you want to be friends with, and a dog that will steal your heart.  Ms. Newman takes her time with these two.  I especially enjoyed the banter between them.  Overall, a great story that had a perfect ending.  Plus, a dog that I fell in love with.  Marjorie and Jack will also steal your heart, too.

Exiled to Love by Jae El Foster

Yall this book is hilarious!  The Bewitched references are just too much.  I loved that show and I wish I had Samantha’s powers at times.  Who wouldn’t want to snap their fingers and have a chef whip you some cookies.  To have your house clean on a whim.  Donna is a good witch that lives with mere mortals but unfortunately, the powers to be just won’t leave her alone.  In walks Devon, neighbor, and maybe new boss to turn her life completely around.  Mr. Foster does an excellent job marry the paranormal and hilarity that is rare in this kind of story.  I can’t wait to read more of his works.  I fell in love instantly with Donna and Devon and Mr. Foster.

The Scent of a Man by Jennifer Patrica O’Keeffe

The Disco Era is alive and well in this one.  The “scar” that Beth receives is the best yet and Ray, her savior is delicious.  The way that Ms. O’Keeffe writes their story is fun, witty, and a breath of fresh air.  I could hear Donna Summer singing in the background while I read Beth and Ray’s romance.  Beth is endearing and Ray is fantastic.  I loved how Ms. O’Keeffe kept it light and fun throughout.

The Scent of a Man by Kristi Ahlers

Not going to lie, this one is my favorite by a hair.  I’m a sucker for a rockstar and the whole setup of the book is just one big hilarious scene after another.  Ms. Ahlers has a gift for making something that would seem ridiculous seem actually plausible.  Plus, Arden is just one funny woman.  Her inner dialogue will have you laughing but agreeing with her, too.  Cade is so patient with her and doesn’t make fun of her.  The other guys, Killian, Trig and Julian were the best.  I know that if I ever met Jon Bon Jovi, I would probably face plant.  Hopefully NOT where Arden did but then again…the ending is perfection.  Ms. Ahlers takes her time with them and Cade and Arden are well-crafted characters.  I would love to read more about the other guys, too.  I fell in love with all of them.

For all of them. Seriously.
You need this collection.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Miriam Newman:

Fantasy poetry driven by myths and legends has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I was published in poetry before catching the romance writing bug. I bring that background to my writing along with a lifelong addiction to horses, an 18-year career in various areas of psychiatric social services, and many trips to Ireland, where I nurture my muse. My published works range from contemporary fantasy romance to fantasy historical, futuristic, science fiction, and historical romance. Currently, I live in rural Pennsylvania with a “motley crew” of rescue animals. You can see my books at www.miriamnewman.com.

Website: http://miriamnewman.com

Blog: http://miriamnewman.com/blog

Blog: http://thecelticroseblog.blogspot.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMiriamNewman

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/miriamnewman


Goodreads Author Page:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3146550.Miriam_Newman

Amazon Author Page:  http://www.amazon.com/Miriam-Newman/e/B005DBFZUG


Jae El Foster:

When the muses speak, Jae El Foster writes, and he has been doing so for nearly twenty years, tackling some of the most intriguing genres out there. Delivering fresh, incomparable tales of horror, science fiction, and romance – sweet or spicy – he pens with seasoned skill the tales that his muses deliver to him. His bestselling works include such titles as ‘Restless,’ ‘Beauty Within,’ ‘Where the Demon Is,’ and ‘Only at Christmas.’

Social Links:

Twitter: @JaeElBooks (new account – old one got hacked)

Instagram: @JaeElBooks

Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorjaeelfoster

Website: https://creative-convulsions.blogspot.com/ 

Amazon Author Page: www.amazon.com/Jae-El-Foster/e/B07GZXRVGJ

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4540432.Jae_El_Foster


Jennifer Patricia O’Keeffe:

Jennifer Patricia O’Keeffe is an author of romantic comedy and anything quirky. She resides in Tennessee, just outside of Nashville where she shares a home with her cats. Ms. O’Keeffe loves to make the world laugh and to find humor and love in the least likely of places. Readers may keep up with her and her writings by following @authorjpokeeffe on Twitter. 

Twitter: @authorjpokeeffe

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18789630.Jennifer_Patricia_O_Keeffe

Amazon Author Page: www.amazon.com/Jennifer-Patricia-OKeeffe/e/B07W3Z32LP

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjpokeeffe


Kristi Ahlers:

Kristi Ahlers is a California girl! She grew up in Northern California in a small city called Yuba City. Since then she’s lived in Brussels, Belgium, and England along with a myriad of other locations. A former flight attendant, she was able to continue to feed her love of travel. This has greatly influenced her writing, allowing her to pen stories about places she’s managed to visit and things she’s experienced.

Website: www.kristiahlers.com 

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/71249.Kristi_Ahlers

Twitter: @KristiAhlers

Blog: http://kristiahlers.blogspot.com/ 






Miriam Newman, Jae El Foster, Jennifer Patricia O’Keeffe, Kristi Ahlers will be awarding a Free Digital Copy of The Scent of a Man via Smashwords Download to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

3 thoughts on “#Review of The Scent of a Man by Miriam Newman, Jae El Foster, Jennifer Patricia O’Keeffe, Kristi Ahlers w/a rafflecopter giveaway! @KristiAhlers @miriamnewman @JaeElBooks @authorjpokeeffe

  1. Thank you so much for hosting us on this final leg of our tour, and for your absolutely glowing review! I’m incredibly pleased that you enjoyed our collection. We had a great time writing these stories, and I’m very glad that they brought out the laughs!

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