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Review of The Mistletoe Meloday (A Brookhollow Story) by Jennifer Snow

mistletoe melody

‘Tis the season of forgiveness…but can she ever forget?
Brad Monroe was truly unbelievable. Blowing back into Brookhollow for three days to film a Christmas special—three years after the accident that killed his best friend…her husband—and expecting Melody to be civil? Please. He’d been the only one who’d survived the tragedy, hightailing it to Nashville and hijacking her dream…Patrick’s dream.

She’d spent that time grieving, working three jobs, struggling to raise her boys and keep a roof over their heads. Now she was losing ground on all fronts, and not about to forgive and forget. Or give him the one thing that could save them all…

“I’m fine. We’re fine.”
Melody swung the scraper and Brad had to duck to avoid getting it in the side of the head. “Everything was fine,” she added, “until you showed up here as if you owned the town.”

“Fine? Really? That’s not exactly the word that comes to mind when I think about your situation, Mel.” If it took cold hard truth to wake her up, then so be it. He had nothing to lose at this point.

“What do you know about it? You’re back in Brookhollow for all of three days and all of a sudden you know something about my life? You know nothing.” Opening the back sliding door, she tossed the snow scraper inside and shoved the door shut.

“I know you’re losing the house.


This is such a powerful story.  It wasn’t an easy book for me to read.  There were elements in the book that I could totally identify with and lead me to figure out some things that were going on in my life.  A book has never done that for me…EVER.  I read for pleasure, not for life lessons but Ms. Snow nailed a couple of things that I needed to fix in my life and I will forever be grateful for that.

This is my second Brookhollow book and no, you don’t need to read the other ones to understand or follow Melody and Brad’s story.  I can say this, it was nice revisiting some of the characters in the book and seeing where they were in their lives.

Wow, did Brad have alot of growing up to do in the story.  Yes, growing up.  I could relate to Melody’s thoughts about him just blowing into town and thinking that he could “fix” everything and people would be happy about it.  Needless to say that they weren’t.  Kudos to his mom!  His friends had some things to say, too.  🙂

I know what you are thinking.  Dead husband to dead husband’s best friend but there is more layers to Melody, Patrick and Brad.  Much more and Ms. Snow slowly peels away those layers to reveal richly drawn characters that in the end…I think Brad was a much better match for Melody.  Of course, getting there is only half the battle.

This book isn’t about redemption at all, if you are thinking that.  Its about forgiveness and the choices that we have made in our lives that we can’t take back.  I’m a firm believer that you can learn from past choices/mistakes if you just open your eyes and look.  Melody and Brad had to do that and it was hard.  Almost too hard for Melody.

I would highly recommend Melody and Brad’s book.  Its heartwarming, at times funny and romantic in the end.



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Jennifer Snowjennifer snow Author pic

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