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Review of The Detective by Adrienne Giordano

 The Detective Cover


About the Book


Title: The Detective

Author:  Adrienne Giordano

Publisher: Harlequin Intrigue

Release Date:  July 1, 2015

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Buy Links: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / BAM / Google Play / Kobo Books


Book Summary:


She’s captured his heart…and the attention of a murderer.


Injured homicide detective Brodey Hayward needs a distraction, and he finds it as a consultant on a cold case murder. When Brodey’s investigation delays plans to remodel the former crime scene, he uncovers another kind of distraction: spirited Lexi Vanderbilt. Despite her distrust of men, Brodey charms the alluring interior designer into helping him examine the case facts.


Working closely with the ultrasexy detective helps Lexi lower her guard, igniting a passion that even Chicago’s winter can’t cool. As they close in on the killer, Lexi becomes his new target. To save her, Brodey must either betray her trust—or risk losing Lexi forever.


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Before I start the review, you might need some background on my love Harlequin Intrigues.  They are my first love, my go-to line that Harlequin has ever produced.  I have found many authors throughout the years that wrote for the Intrigue line that I now read their self published works, works from other publishers and just a general respect for as a writer and reviewer.  Julie Miller, Nancy Warren, BJ Daniels, Delores Fossen, HelenKay Dimon, Rita Herron, Debra Webb, Mallory Kane, Elle James and that’s the tip of the iceberg.  In fact, some of these authors wrote for other lines within Harlequin and read them there and found more authors to read.  And now Adrienne Giordano.  

Most people make fun of Harlequin and that’s a shame.  Most authors that I continue to read day in, day out started with Harlequin and/or still writing for them.  I obsess, stalk and generally sit on pins and needles waiting for the next KC story from Julie Miller.  BJ Daniels…no one beats her cowboys and strong women.  Nancy Warren’s humor and smexy times, Debra Webb’s Colby Agency and the spin offs from them.  I could go on but that’s another blog post.

What I’m trying to say is, give Harlequin Intrigue’s a chance.  They are well thought out, twisted plot lines to keep up with, characters that you will love, villains to generally hate and be scared of and just the right about of smexy times that it doesn’t over power the story.  Plus, did I mention that suspense/mystery/thriller romances are my all time favorites?  Nope…well, now you know.  🙂

Now the review:

Good lawd.  What a book.  And please tell me WHY I’m just now reading this author?  Dang…now I’m going back and buying The Marshal just because I want to find out how Brent and Jenna got together.  Its also where we are introduced to Brody, Jenna’s brother.  Don’t worry about reading a book before this one.  Ms. Giordano catches you up but dang it…now I need to know about them.

Brody would have been your typical alpha/cop/wounded hero if not for his family.  Oh yes, mom/dad/Jenna.  They all have a part in this book that makes Brody more approachable and real.  He’s got a good heart and when it comes to the safety and well being of the people that he loves, intrusive doesn’t even cover it.  😉  Of course this doesn’t sit well with Lexi and therefore, our story begins.

Lexi is a great heroine.  Strong, smart and knows what she wants and goes out and gets it.  What she didn’t want was someone like Brody entering her world, at the worse possible time.  But hey, killers don’t keep a calendar.  But Brody is exactly what she needed in her life.  In fact, Brody and Lexi couldn’t be more opposite but that’s what makes this couple shine.  They complimented each other, teased/flirted and generally gave as good as the other one.  Plus…Brody has a mouth when it comes to…

What I didn’t see coming was how the whole twisted plot ended.  I kinda figured it out but then…BAM!!!!  Didn’t see the major twist at the end.  I love it when a mystery/suspense writer can surprise me.  Especially at the end, just when I have it figured out.  Ha Ha!!!!  That’s what will make me now stalk/obsess/auto buy from Ms. Giordano from now on.  She surprised me and kept me on my toes.  She wrote characters that didn’t need “saving” but ended up saving each other for a real chance at a relationship.  The ending was sweet but not sappy.  Brody messed up and Lexi needed him to grovel just a bit.

A few more things:  $20k for a couch.  Yep, I can see why Brody liked it.  *wink* But a peach ceiling, I’m not so sure about.  Also, Lexi really deserves that assistant now.  Just saying…


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About the AuthorGiordano Author Photo


USA Today bestselling author Adrienne Giordano writes romantic suspense and mystery.  She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her workaholic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog and Lady Jane’s Salon-Naperville, a reading series dedicated to romantic fiction.


Connect with Adrienne:  Website / Newsletter / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads / Street Team


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Giveaway Information


Tour-wide giveaway includes a $25.00 gift card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble, a swag pack and a signed print book!


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Blog Tour Stops


You can follow the tour to learn more about the book and author through interviews and reviews! Just click on the link or button below.


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Romance Junkies (Excerpt)

Romancing the Book (Review)


July 2, 2015

Nerdy Dirty and Flirty (Review)

CK Crouch (Interview)

Lush Book Reviews (Excerpt)

Ms. Romantic Reads (Excerpt)

The Reading Café (Review)


July 3, 2015

Blakraven’s Reviews (Review)

Bottles & Books Reviews (Review)

Cricket’s Chirps (Review)

The Book Review (Review)


July 5, 2015

Em & M Books (Review)

Just the Write Stuff (Excerpt)

Ramblings From This Chick (Interview)


July 6, 2015

Ariesgrl Book Reviews (Excerpt)

Joyfully Reviewed (Interview)

Long and Short Reviews (Excerpt)

Read Your Writes Book Reviews (Review)

SOS Aloha (Interview)


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All About High Heat Romance (Excerpt)

Happiness Is A Book (Review)


July 8, 2015

Amy Manemann (Excerpt)

Renee Entress (Review)

So Many Reads (Review)



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Coffeetime Romance – Coffee Thoughts (Excerpt)

My Book Addiction and More (Review)


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Peaces of Me (Review)

StoreyBook Reviews (Excerpt)


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Brooke Blogs (Review)

Jen’s Reading Obsession (Review)


July 12, 2015

A Little Big of R&R (Excerpt)

Becky on Books (Review)





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