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Review of His Millionaire Maid by Coleen Kwan w/a GC rafflecopter giveaway!

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His Millionaire Maid
by Coleen Kwan
Publication Date: July 7, 2015
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
Publisher: Entangled Publishing

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Synopsis: His new hire has a secret…

As far as Nina Beaumont is concerned, money ruins everything. Leave it to her wealthy family to screw up her professional life and her personal life. When she crashes and her car sinks, sending her identification and all her belongings spiraling into the watery abyss, Nina sees her chance to escape.

And stumbles into a job with the hottest man she’s ever met…as his maid.

Between running an inn, caring for his grandmother, and trying to keep the dirty-dealing Beaumont Corporation from stealing his land, Joe Farina’s plate is full. He doesn’t have time for romantic entanglements—especially not with the suspiciously bad maid he just hired, no matter how much he needs her…both in and out of his bed.

Screwing with her life is one thing, but Nina’s not about to let her family screw with Joe. That is, if she doesn’t lose him when he finds out who she really is.


(Harlie here:  OMG!!!  I had never heard of this term before and I laughed out loud when I read this scene.  Hence, why I choose it)

(The heat is building between Joe and Nina, but Joe doesn’t want others to see him lusting after his new employee. Too bad she’s so irresistible.

URST = Unresolved Sexual Tension)



Memories of yesterday danced through her mind—Joe’s suntanned body brushing against hers on that stone ledge, the thrill of jumping with him, his fingers interlaced with hers. And earlier, that kiss that had almost happened, that she still wanted so badly. That was what had kept her up last night.

“You,” she blurted. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Oh my God, what is wrong with my mouth? It seemed it had a will of its own.

Joe’s eyes widened. “Me?”

“You and the URST. It’s driving me crazy.” Huh. Yes, she had officially lost control of her mouth.

“Ah, the URST. Yeah, there’s a lot of that going around at the moment.”

She could have sworn there was a glint in his eyes. Her pulse was racing, her fingers twitching. Nervous, she licked her lips, and Joe seemed to be riveted by her action. She stepped closer to him, and there was no mistaking the increase in his breathing rate.

“You too?” she asked, emboldened by his reaction to her.

She was close enough to feel his body heat and inhale his clean, masculine scent. Even in the pitch dark she’d be able to pick him out. She closed her eyes, imagining herself blindfolded in a bedroom with Joe, and the potency of her fantasy made her sway.

“Nina.” Joe’s gruff voice made her open her eyes. The pent-up hunger in his expression made her lungs constrict. A look like that could melt a girl’s panties off.


She swayed closer, the need to touch him overwhelming. She rested a hand against his chest and it was like touching a live generator. He pressed his palm over hers, his grip hard and urgent. Sunshine glinted off his dark, wavy hair, picked out the faint lines at the corners of his fierce eyes. Her heart leaped in her throat. My God, he’s so gorgeous…

“Yoo-hoo!” A voice from below trilled, bursting the bubble that had enclosed them. “Good morning, Joe. Good morning, Nina. Isn’t it a lovely day?”

reviewBesides laughing out loud a lot in this book, I found it to be one of the best Lovestruck books from Entangled.  I read tons and I mean tons of category romance and when Lovestruck was announced, I was thrilled.  The “meet cute” is the crux of the book and how the characters go from there.  Nina and Joe’s meeting was not only cute but heartwarming and funny.  Its not laugh out loud funny but you have to laugh at the situation that we find them in from beginning.

While the trope is familiar (Mistaken Identity), the author puts a new spin on it and its refreshing.  Instead of the hero being rich, its the heroine.  I loved how Nina is truly strong in the beginning of the book with her convictions and morals but in the end, I had even more respect for her.  I never lost my respect for her even when she knew what she was doing to Joe was wrong.

Joe, on the other hand, I fell in love with immediately.  Not Alpha nor Beta, just an average guy working for a living with goals and dreams.  The scenes with his grandmother are priceless, too.  Falling for the “maid” was never his goal but boy, did he fall hard and fast.  I also liked that while the book was set at a hotel, there weren’t a lot of characters to get to know and remember.  Just Vince and Sarah how play a very important role in the development of their romance.

Don’t worry about the heat level in this story.  Its sensual with a touch of spice.  Their sexual relationship only highlighted their budding romance and friendship.  Plus, re-read the scene above.  🙂  I’m telling you between fits of laughter and those sigh worthy moments, this book has it all.  At least everything that I look for in a contemporary, category romance.  Emotion, strong characters that don’t need saving, smexy times, laughter and above all, a story that is plausible.

I’ve never read Ms. Kwan and I will definitely be on the look out for her works in the future.


recommend-harlies- new



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About Coleen Kwan

Coleen Kwan

Coleen Kwan has been a bookworm all her life. At school English was her favorite subject, but for some reason she decided on a career in IT. After many years of programming, she wondered what else there was in life — and discovered writing. She loves writing contemporary romance and steampunk romance.

Coleen lives in Sydney, Australia with her partner and two children. When she isn’t writing she enjoys avoiding housework, eating chocolate, and watching TV shows like Criminal Minds and Masterchef.


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