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Review of Don’t Blackmail the Vampire by Tiffany Allee w/a $25 GC giveaway


Don’t Blackmail the Vampire

Author: Tiffany Allee

Release Date: 4/28/14

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Book Synopsis:

Rachel Davis will do anything to get her sister out of a bad relationship with her fiancé. Even if it involves a few fibs, a little breaking-and-entering, and blackmailing the fiancé’s potential boss, Charles, for his help. So what if the handsome Charles happens to be a vampire?

Charles Wright has found the perfect way to trap the man threatening his brother’s wife: cozy up to him, get invited along on the skiing trip, and then search for incriminating evidence. How much better that audacious but gorgeous Rachel is just as eager to nail the bastard. As far as he’s concerned, there’s nothing wrong with a little blackmail between two consenting adults. Especially when it’s time for Rachel to pay up.


Tagline: What’s a little blackmail between consenting adults?

Goodreads Book Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21854382-don-t-blackmail-the-vampire


I hate using the tagline that this is a cute, sexy light paranormal but it is.  I will admit that I didn’t read Don’t Bite the Bridesmaid but I don’t feel like you need to read it to understand this one.  I think Ms. Allee does a great job of explaining the back story about Alice, Noah, Brent and Kristin.  Some people told me to read it and I still have it on my TBR pile in the que on the Kindle.

Rachel is flat out hilarious!  She’s is loyal to her sister but it does cost her something in the end.  But what really shined for me was her ability to compartmentalize in the beginning what she was doing.  She was so focused on breaking up Brent and Kristin that she almost lost everything in the end.  Her sister, Charles and even her self respect.  Realizing the damage that she had done, it was time to regroup but she had to face the facts that people were not happy with her.

Charles from the beginning bar scene was a dream.  Realize that this is light paranormal so he isn’t dark, mysterious, drinks from humans or any of the other stuff that he read in vampire books.  I did like how he explained the mysterious emails, letters and such about Alice to Rachel and how it all tied into breaking up Brent and Kristin.  But I will have to say that my favorite scene was the after dinner scene in the alley.  OMG…rolling on the floor.  He is a dream in my book but he is flawed.  Not damaged just flawed in the way that he finally figures out what he wants to do with his life.  And prove to Kane and Noah that he is worthy.

I won’t go into the shennigans that went on but they are funny.  Rachel and Charles get themselves caught up in some crazy stuff.  What I did like was the threat plot against Alice isn’t finished.  I have a feeling that the next book will just as awesome considering that we have to deal with another vampire who is new and female.  I can’t wait.

If you are looking for a lighthearted, sexy paranormal then this is for you.  I don’t have a sister so I’m not sure I would go to the extremes that Rachel went through and in the end, I think she would re-think some of her choices but in the end that’s what makes Rachel, Rachel.  She loves fiercely and completely.  Just ask Charles.


recommend-harlies- new

Author Bio:

CPA-turned-romance-author Tiffany Allee used to battle spreadsheets in Corporate America, and now concentrates on her characters’ battles to find love. Raised in small-town Colorado, Tiffany currently lives in Phoenix, AZ, by way of Chicago and Denver. She is happily married to a secret romantic who tolerates her crazy mutterings.

She writes about ass-kicking heroines and the strong heroes who love them. Her work includes the suspense-driven From the Files of the Otherworlder Enforcement Agency series which revolves around a group of paranormal cops solving crimes and finding love, and Don’t Bite the Bridesmaid, a lighthearted paranormal romance (Entangled Publishing)

Author Website: http://tiffanyallee.com/

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