Synopsis –
She’ll do anything to get her way.
Tall, elegant and beautiful, Emma Thorpe has wanted a baby for years. The yearning for a child occupies all her thought, her time, her effort, and any money she and her husband can scrape up for medical intervention. After trying and failing to conceive, the solution that finally comes to her is to leave her husband and hope to find a man—any man—capable of fulfilling her deepest desire.
Big, handsome Clay Thorpe isn’t the kind of man to let his wife just wander away. It takes a few months of Emma’s absence from his bed to devise a plan, but he’s determined. Eventually, Clay lures Emma home with a convoluted strategy only he could concoct, involving an antique diamond ring, sex three times a day, and…a turkey baster?
Caution: This is a work of fiction. Please don’t attempt duplicating Clay’s methods!
Categories: Humor, Western contemporary romance, sensual romance
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Whiskey Creek Press LLC/Torrid Books:
What can I say about Clay and Emma? For starters its a book about a married couple and I’m a sucker for a married couple story. This one is bittersweet though. It deals with a topic that many couples face…infertility. My cousin dealt with it and both of her children are “petri dish” babies. Her words, not mine. She could get pregnant but couldn’t carry. So why did they invetro work? Who knows but it did. Emma and Clay just couldn’t get pregnant at all. All the testing, spending every once of money they had, living in a doublewide so they could continue. Unfortunately, one day Emma just couldn’t take it anymore and left. She didn’t go far but still. Wanting a baby and being able to have one are two different things that can push a married couple apart.
I could relate to Emma and Clay with their quest for a baby. I was only able to have one child and I wanted more. Nothing was physically wrong with me or my husband. God just only wanted us to have our son and that’s it. I get that and we accepted that in the end. Not to say that they “trying” part wasn’t fun. He He! Here’s where Emma and Clay’s story starts off. Clay trying to get his wife back because he has a plan. OMG…the plan is hilarious and NO don’t try this at home but it shows how much Clay would move heaven and earth for Emma. He truly does love her and feels like this is the last option that they have to have that baby.
Emma to me, was the weaker character. While I connected with her, she never questioned Clay and his method. She took it as face value and trust me, I would have questioned my husband. Plus, I never felt like she was really “there” in the moment. It seemed too clinical for me when it came to the sex scenes. Don’t get me wrong, the scene at her store was hot but I missed the romance part of Emma and Clay. I know, I’m weird but while they truly did love each other, the romance part was missing. At least from Emma. Clay was the most romantic of the two and it showed with everything that he did. From the wooing, to the ring, to the tests and let’s not forget…talking to a Native American on how much fat Emma should be eating. That still gets me but it does ring true.
Overall, I really liked Clay and Emma’s story. Ms. Williams nailed the angst, hurt and heartbreaking details of infertility that couples face. I just wish I had a bit more romance.
Author Info
Christi Williams: I write about Wyoming. My enduring love is for the West, the Western mythos and its icons. My sweet Hawk Point romances are spiced with erotic love scenes that center on the mythical cowboy/lawman hero and the strong woman who loves him.
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Twitter: @writerchristi
blog: Some Like It Hotter
The author is giving away 3 $5 Amazon Gift Cards to 3 winners
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Thank you so much for the review, and for hosting this blog stop for Clay’s Quest. Thanks to everyone for commenting. I hope you all enjoy my novella, and good luck in the giveaway!
I like the sound of this. Great review thank you.
This sounds like a really fun story! Thanks for the review and giveaway!
thanks for the giveaway!
Love the blurb and thanks for the great review – I look forward to reading this!
Thank you for hosting!