Best Laid Plans Box Set
by Robyn Kelly
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
Jillian Whitkins is an event planner who is ready to throw in the towel. She is managing a birthday party with a 50 Shades of Grey theme—and it’s turning into a disaster! The birthday girl is drunk, the guests are harassing her staff, and she is about to offend a real-life Christian Grey.
Excerpt Two:
“You should invite me in.”
When did he become so formal? “Are you a vampire?” Isn’t that what Minerva called him—an emotional vampire? “You can’t cross a threshold without an invitation?”
“What was it you said earlier? ‘If I open this door, we are really going to do this.’ I need you to decide. Either invite me in or say good-night. It’s your choice, Jillian.”
Part of me wishes he would just come in and kiss me senseless and then ravish me. That’s not his style tonight. Still, I need to know a little more. “If I invite you in, what will happen?”
He raises his eyebrows and laughs, almost like a villain in an old James Bond film. “You want me to sell you on the idea of inviting me in?”
His lips curl into a sensual smile as he crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe. The pose suits him—he looks like an ad for sex. “What I want to do is explore. I want to explore your body, I want to explore what turns you on, and I want to explore what makes your eyes roll back in your head. I want to know what makes you whimper, what makes you moan, and what makes you shout my name.”
“You’re very persuasive.”
“I must be. I’ve turned myself on.” He straightens and drops his arms. “Invite me in.”
Despite every nagging doubt and fear, I hold out my hand. “Won’t you come in, Jackson?”
Remember how I said that I wouldn’t review a BDSM book on the blog again? Remember how I never read FSOG or even seen the movies? Remember me telling you that FSOG RUINED the sub-genre for me? Well, this book has made me see the whole sub-genre in a different light. Why? Because the BDSM in the book is light (nothing you haven’t read before and it’s not graphic) and the main focus of the book is the romantic comedy. Oh yes, romantic comedy. There were times that I was laughing my rear off at Jillian and Jackson.
This book could easily be put into the category romance but with the elements of BDSM AND comedy, it just simply doesn’t fit. It fits into its own category. Don’t get me wrong about the BDSM elements. I’m not making light of them at all. In fact, I thought those parts of the book were very well written with a dash of humor that puts the reader at ease with them. Jillian is a sub in the bedroom but a Dominant everywhere else. Jackson is a Dominant through and through and has never met anyone like Jillian before. We get a glimpse of his latest sub in the beginning of the book and it is not pretty. In fact, Ms. It (as Jillian calls her) makes Jackson realize that he truly wants a relationship with Jillian beyond the bedroom.
Jillian isn’t an innocent when it comes to BDSM. With all of her FSOG themed parties, she knows the when, why and hows and who to call for things but it is all clinical to her. She’s never experienced it herself and that’s what Jackson is for. But their relationship is much deeper than that. Trust me. And that’s one of the biggest issues that this couple has. Trust issues. Her’s come from an alcoholic dead husband and mother. His comes from being in jail and foster care. In fact, the big black moment in the book comes from a confession from his mother and it’s painful to read but it explains so much of how Jackson is and the man that doesn’t want to be to Jillian.
Usually, in BDSM books, the Dom is an Alpha*ole but Jackson isn’t. Sure he is firm with Jillian but Jillian makes him human. It’s hard NOT to fall in love with him. He’s all bark and not bite. In fact, Jillian has a nickname at the office called The Lion Tamer. Trust me, the scenes at work are hilarious. If I had one complaint is the amount of clothing that is ripped in the book. I can’t imagine wearing expensive stuff and having it ripped off all the time but hey, that’s just me. But it works in the book and their relationship.
Since our author lives in Frisco, she name drops all the fab locations, restaurants and the like. I really felt like I was on a tour at times. She also writes a tightly woven tale of romance that really sneaks up on you in the end. The pacing is fast and the sex is hot. But underneath it all is a great book with terrific characters that I cared about, want to read more about and swooned over in the end.
Right now as I’m typing this I’m reading the last book in the trilogy. Yes, there is the 3rd book. I knew that I just HAD to find out how their relationship plays out with the HEA. I’m not sure if I will finish it before this blog goes live. I’m trying, really trying.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Robyn Kelly is my pen name. I work for one of the top boutique event planning companies in San Francisco, and I can’t risk having our clientele (or my boss) discover my passion for aggressive, sexual, alpha men.
I write the kinds of stories I like to read. I realized the top four things I love in a romance are:
The chase. I don’t care how hot or rich the hero is, he’s got to work for it if he wants in to my heroine’s panties—for at least four chapters!
Second chances. My heroines aren’t virgins. They are women who have loved and lost before.
I’m not against virgins, some of my best friends in high school were virgins. I just think they should stick with bad boys, and leave the billionaires to us experienced women.
Humor. I love a book that can get me both hot and laughing.
Happy endings. They’re so much better than cliff-hangers.
Twitter: RobynKellyAuthr
Link to buy book – only on Amazon & Amazon KU
The book is only $0.99.
Robyn Kelly will be awarding $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
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How did I miss your kind review?! I’m so happy that you liked the book, and so sorry it took me so long to thank you…
Robyn Kelly
Robyn, I’ve never laughed so much in a BDSM book. I know I shouldn’t have but I just couldn’t help myself. Jillian and Jackson were just so perfectly matched on every level. He needed her to ground himself and she needed him to let go. And no, I’ve never read FSOG or seen the movies but I got all the references. I loved everything about this book. Well, except for the all the expensive clothing being ripped. LOL!
I did read the final book, too. I just need to write my review for Goodreads and Amazon. *major swoon*
This trilogy is definitely on my keeper shelf.
Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win 🙂
Awesome review! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I liked the review, thank you.
Thanks for hosting!