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Love Thy Neighbor’s Nephew by Stephanie Williams – Promo/Author Interview/Giveaway


Giveaway Info: Prize is winner’s choice of an eBook copy of either “House Arrest” or “For Research Purposes Only”. Contest is tour-wide, open internationally and ends Mar 20. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.  Rafflecopter Link is at the bottom of the post.  Good Luck!



Love Thy Neighbor’s Nephew

by Stephanie Williams

Genre(s): Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance

Category(ies): Interracial/Multicultural, May-December

Publisher: Decadent Publishing

Release Date: January 18, 2013

Heat Level: Sizzling

Word Count: 29,800


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Yolanda Paterson found the perfect man. He’s kind, helpful, smart, and sexier than any Playgirl cover model. He does things to her body that should be considered illegal in some states. What more could a woman need, right? There’s just a couple of problems. One, he’s a younger man, and two—and this is a big one—he’s her best friend’s nephew.


Having completed a teaching internship at Yale, Lawrence returns home. It’s great to see his Aunt Lizzy and Uncle Hank. It’s amazing to see Yolanda Paterson. He’d had the typical neighborhood boy crush on her. But now, he’s a grown man with needs…and he needs his aunt’s best friend.


Warning: This title is intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains explicit sex scenes and/or situations and adult language which may be considered offensive to some readers.



“Wow, that’s a serious toolbox,” she said as she let Lawrence inside.


“It’s Uncle Hank’s. He doesn’t seem to get much use of it.” He turned and winked at her.


“Yeah, Liz and I noticed.”


He followed her to the kitchen, set the toolbox on the table, and picked up the fallen cabinet. “It’s chipped here on the corner, too. I noticed it earlier, when I saw it lying on the floor.”


“Probably when it fell.” Yolanda returned to her laptop to finish a client’s web page. “Let me know if you need any help.”


“Nah, I got everything under control. I brought something to fix it good as new. You might want to put some cotton in your ears though. I have to use the power saw to cut through the wall.”


“Goodness. Are you sure you can handle this? Maybe we should get a professional.”


“Hey, are you doubting my handyman prowess?” he asked, quirking his brow


“Sorry.” The last comment made her think about his other skills. Good Lord, she needed to stop thinking of him in a sexual way. Okay, he was too young for her and he was also her best friend’s nephew. Those facts alone should do it.


He laughed. “I told you, I got it all under control.”


“Huh? Oh, great.” She gathered up her laptop and moved to the kitchen’s center island. She sat on the stool, getting a good view of Lawrence and making sure nothing unexpected happened, like the ceiling caving in.


He put on his safety glasses, plugged in the power saw, and turned it on. She covered her ears. It was loud. He cut into the wall, and dust and debris flew all over the place.


“Oh hell!” he yelled, and turned off the machine.


Yolanda leapt from the stool. “What’s wrong?”


“Oh, nothing about the walls. But I’m wearing my favorite shirt, and I’m getting stuff all over it.” He set down the power tool, stripped off his shirt, and folded it neatly, placing it on the table.


She stared, memorized. His body was just short of mythical. When did he have time to develop muscles like those? Does he work out for hours, or is it genetics? And why am I drooling?

Author Interview:

Welcome Stephanie Williams! Please start off by telling us a little about yourself.


Hmm, well  you see from my bio on my books, I’m well traveled and lived overseas for the beginning of my life, about age two to fourteen. I love travel and back to doing it again.

I happily married, no kids but busy none the less. My Sicilian husband is a handful. LOL.  I could have been a cowgirl, since my family have been cattle ranchers since the late 1880’s. But instead, I ride horses for fun not work. LOL

I’m a home business owner in the export/import field. I sing opera, and play piano by ear. And I am the happy owner of fur babies. Two Maine Coon cats, a Pyrenees and a Great Dane.


Is Love Thy Neighbor’s Nephew a single title, or part of a series?


It’s a single title, however I’m starting to get in the grove of writing the cougar story. This is my second one.


What were your inspirations for the story?


Myself actually. The older I get, the younger the men are that hit on me, when the hubster is not around of course. LOL.

Even if I were single, I don’t think I could ever consider dating someone too many years younger than myself. But the guys that come on to me are cute; so I decided to write about it instead of actually act on it. WINK


Please share your setting for Love They Neighbor’s Nephew. Have you ever lived or visited there? If so, what did you like most?  


This place is nowhere in particular. In fact, I left it ambiguous on purpose. It’s small town America. It can be any neighborhood. You see, it’s the typical: You Never Know What Your Neighbors Are Up To, kinda town. I wanted the reader to sort of imagine his or her own neighbors.


When did the writing bug first bite?


Wow. A long time ago. Sometimes I think too long. But when I sit back and think about it, I could never write about the things I write about now, without living, you know what I mean?  At age twenty-five even, I haven’t lived. Now that I’m ahem….47, I learned a lot in life and studied people and behaviors. In fact, I’m still learning!


Who are you favorite authors, book/series?


Another great question. There are too many to mention but I’ll try. My good friend Ursula Sinclair. Her Guardian Series is the best erotic/suspense. Bridget Midway. Not into BDSM, but her characters are so fleshed out and the plots are so well constructed, you can’t help but get caught up. I’m getting into Kate Richard now and her Virgins series.

Like I said there are so many. I love the erotica genre period, so if that writer grabs me with a great hook, they have me as a fan for life.


If you could have an author roundtable discussion with any authors, who would you invite?


Funny enough, they are not romance or erotica writers. They would be Stephen King and Dean Koontz. They both have bizarre imaginations in their genre and I would love to pick their brains.


Do you have any hobbies or special things you like to do in your spare time? 

Like I mentioned previously, I sing opera. I love to cook. I don’t cook as much as I like, the hubster as made me lazy in that department since he’s always in the kitchen. I love horseback ridding and now I’m learning crocheting. And of course when I’m not writing (which is rare) reading!


What’s the strangest thing you’ve heard or seen?

Hmmm. Ahh! A naked man on top of a church, being talked down from police. This happened not far from my old home in Los Angeles. No surprise there. LOL


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4 thoughts on “Love Thy Neighbor’s Nephew by Stephanie Williams – Promo/Author Interview/Giveaway

  1. Thanks for the spotlight, excerpt and author interview. I have to admit that younger men are attractive:)

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