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Interview of C.C. Bolick featuring Fear Justice w/a rafflecopter giveaway! #YA #UrbanFantasy #99 cents

Fear Justice

by C.C. Bolick 


GENRE: YA Urban Fantasy



Seventeen-year-old Rena Mason counts the days until she can leave for college. Every night her father drinks himself to sleep, leaving her to care for her younger brother. When her father is kidnapped by terrorists, her dreams of freedom become a nightmare.

Stunned that her father has a history with these terrorists, Rena knows she must run or be their next victim. She learns the tough guy at school has a reason to look after her – he’s working for a government agency with the same goal as the terrorists: find a woman who disappeared eighteen years ago. Time is running out since only this woman’s special gift can save the world from a looming nuclear attack.

Rena can’t trust anyone, especially not the stone-cold agent she’s falling for. Can they save the world before Rena’s feelings trap her in an agent’s fight for justice?

Fear Justice contains elements of fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal, with a clean romance. It’s the first book in an exciting new series called The Fear Chronicles.


Excerpt Two:

“Rena,” Dad said. “Are you okay?”

I turned to where he stood, a few feet from the camper’s door. “It’s nothing. Thought I heard a noise in the woods.”

He walked to the edge of trees and peered into the darkness beyond. In his right hand, he held a bottle of water. His left hand, bent and scarred making his fingers barely able to move, hung at his side. “There’s nothing here but a squirrel. Surely you’re not afraid of a squirrel.”

“I’m not afraid of anything,” I said.

Dad smiled and walked toward the water’s edge. “I believe you on that one.”

I moved to stand by his side. “Did you fix the pool?”

“Good as new or until someone else loses a retainer and stops it up. Are you thinking of going swimming?”

“Not tonight.”

“What are you thinking of, Rena?”

“Where did Coach Andrews find you?”

“Sleeping off a hangover in the back room of a bar down on Railroad Street. Jacob told me you were worried, and with good reason. I promise not to let that happen again.”

“I thought something might have happened to you. I should have called you when—”

Dad put an arm around my shoulders. “No, I should have called. I let my demons take over and I wasn’t here to look after you and Alfie.”

“We were fine.”

“Because of you. I never imagined you growing up without your mother. I always knew the day would come when you realized what I really am inside. Your brother still has a way to go.” He looked down at me. “Thank you for not making him hate me yet.”

“No one hates you, Dad. We just want you to be here. Really here, with us all the time, not out drinking.”

“I deserved that.” Pulling away, Dad moved closer to the water. “You’re strong, Rena, like your mother. And smart. Thank goodness you didn’t turn out like me.”

“I’ve been applying for scholarships. My counselor thinks I’ve got a good shot at getting money for school. I’ve kept a 4.0 in every class and I want to get into a school that teaches aerospace engineering.”

“You want to be an engineer?” His eyes stayed on the water. “That would make your mother proud.”

“What about you?”

“Everything you do makes me proud.”

“I want out of this town,” I said, barely above a whisper. “I don’t want to live like this.”

If you could apologize to someone in your past, who would it be?  At times I’ve distanced myself from people who would probably never understand why. It’s part of being a writer and truly living in my own stories. I’d apologize to them.

If you could keep a mythical/ paranormal creature as a pet, what would you have? If I didn’t choose a unicorn, my children would disown me.

How do you keep your writing different from all the others that write in this particular genre? I write from my heart using the voices of my characters.

What are the best and worst pieces of writing advice you ever received? The best is when someone suggested I switch from writing in Word to Scrivener. My efficiency in writing a book tripled, which helped with many other time-crunches in my life. The worst is when someone told me I’d never be a real author if I self-published. I had a dream of reaching readers and I’ve accomplished that. The rest takes time no matter how you publish.

Are the experiences in this book based on someone you know, or events in your own life? Okay, legal disclaimer time … My books are works of fiction and I would never write about a real-life person or event. Joking aside, I think as an author all of my books are based heavily on the experiences of my life. Write what you know, right? But since this is fiction, it’s a hundred times more exciting than my life.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

C.C. Bolick grew up in south Alabama, where she’s happy to still reside. She’s an engineer by day and a writer by night—too bad she could never do one without the other.

Camping, fishing… she loves the outdoors and the warm Alabama weather. For years she thought up stories to write and finally started putting them on paper back in 2006. If you hear her talking with no one to answer, don’t think she’s crazy. Since talking through her stories works best, a library is her worst place to write… even though it’s her favorite!

C.C. loves to mix sci-fi and paranormal—throw in a little romance and adventure and you’ve got her kind of story. She’s written nine books including the Leftover Girl series, The Agency series, and The Fear Chronicles.

The Book is on sale for $0.99 during the tour. 

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One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/BN.com gift card.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

16 thoughts on “Interview of C.C. Bolick featuring Fear Justice w/a rafflecopter giveaway! #YA #UrbanFantasy #99 cents

    1. Thanks, Marisela. I enjoyed writing the scenes with Rena and her father. Rena wants out of that small town – she pictured college, not going on the run from terrorists.

    1. Thanks, Glenda. Since my stories are mostly YA, I love to focus on the relationships with teens and their parents. Often the parents’ choices affect their kids more than either realize. It’s fun to give characters a unique backstory that they either embrace or run from.

    1. Glad you love the cover, Jeanna. It’s one of my favorites since the artist was able to show Rena and her power exactly how I imagined. Good luck with the giveaway!

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