Signature Saturdays

Harlie’s Signature Saturdays

Signature Saturdays is something new we are doing to let you know where you can find Harlie during the upcoming week.  Some weeks will be long, some short.  Some serious, some funny.  See, the thing is, you just never know where Harlie will turn up next!




Look for Ms. Harlie at:

Feb 18: Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess (Guest Post/Review)
Feb 19: Blood, Lust and Erotica (Guest Post)
Feb 20: Pink Fluffy Hearts: Diary of a Coffee Addict (Author Interview/Review)
Feb 21: Love In a Book (Guest Post)

Ummm, I believe she said something about there being a prize in connection with these stops. ;)

Of course, you can also find her blog tour information at Coffee Beans and Love Scenes for a couple more weeks.

Harlie loves to see y’all so be sure to drop in and say” Hi! “


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