Excerpt · Giveaways

Happy Release Day to Naked Choke by Vanessa Dare w/a rafflecopter giveaway!



Naked Choke

by Vanessa Dare




GENRE: Contemporary Romance






Trapped at the bar during her best friend’s engagement party, Emory finds herself with Mr. Dud and his obnoxious pick-up lines. That is, until sexy Grayson Green steps in to rescue her. She’s been out of the game so long that she’s practically a dating virgin. With her son off to college and her husband now an ex, Emory is learning how to be not a wife, not a mom, but a single woman. What she doesn’t anticipate is falling—hard and fast—for a dominate, alpha male.

Grayson Green’s an MMA champion, used to working hard and playing harder. He spent years in the limelight where fast times and fast women were easy to come by. Women just want to screw him and men want to be friends with the infamous Green Machine. The appeal is gone and he steps out of the ring to make some changes and get control of his life. He runs his own gym and is a trainer for the next champ. All the training in the world can’t save him from the one-two punch of meeting Emory. She’s different. She has no idea who he is…and she wants him anyway. She’s everything he never knew he ever wanted and he’s going to do whatever it takes to keep her.

Gray convinces Emory that there are no games with him, that he wants to take care of her, protect her, and pleasure her until she can’t see straight. But not everything from his past are championship belts and sponsorship deals. He’ll have to protect her from the one thing he can’t control. Gray will do anything to keep Emory because he knows that winning in the cage is nothing compared to winning her heart.





Excerpt Two:


“Which one is he?” He popped the lid on his drink.


One team wore black-and-white striped T-shirts like a bunch of convicts, the other wore dark green ones with a yellow collar. As I scanned the men, I realized Faith would have enjoyed this. Watching sweaty, fit men run around and tackle each other, showing off their caveman qualities would spike any woman’s libido. When I finally glimpsed Gray on the field, my heart stuttered. The other night wasn’t a fluke. He did something to me. This guy, why this guy? Was I insane? There was one way to find out.


“There.” I pointed.


“The blond?”


I shook my head, took a sip of soda to cool myself down. Gray looked…God, amazing. Manly. He was wearing one of the ridiculous convict shirts, the neckline stretched out by someone’s rough grab. Sweat dripped down his forehead and he had a streak of dirt on his arm that blended in with the tattoo. With his arm exposed, I could see it was large enough to creep up his forearm and over his biceps. Although he was dark complected and tan, it stood out in stark contrast. I hadn’t been wild about tattoos in general before, but on Gray…it totally melted my butter. I had to wonder if he had any others, and if so, where?


“No, the one with the dark close-cropped hair.”


Simon looked where I pointed, his brows going up. “Holy shit, Em. That’s the guy?”





AUTHOR Bio and Links:



Vanessa Dare does it all: Urban contemporary to time traveling to Scotland and everything in between. Her bestselling alter ego, Vanessa Vale, sticks with steamy Wild West romps.


Vanessa loves to hear from fans. She is on:






Join my mailing list: http://vanessavaleauthor.com/v/y


Buy Link:











Vanessa will be awarding a ebook copy of <i>Naked Choke</i> to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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