Giveaways · Release Day

Happy Release Day to February and the Single Heart by Vi Zetterwall w/giveaway

FSH bookcover2 (1)



When she was 15, heiress Mary Jo Miller was kidnapped. Rescued by a young 21 year old man, she subsequently found herself in tumult and hard straights after her father’s premature death. Eight years later, just when her life seemed to be settling down, she is arrested for grand larceny, assault and eventually murder.

Now that same young man is the investigator on her case. Sparks fly again and Mary Jo has reason to be confident. But that young man has his own set of problems and Mary Jo soon realizes that he may not be her rescuer this time. This time, he may be more concerned about himself and she may spend the rest of her life mired in a nightmare of regret … and prison.

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Vi is giving away a $50 Amazon gift card and a $20 Starbucks gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

10 thoughts on “Happy Release Day to February and the Single Heart by Vi Zetterwall w/giveaway

  1. I like the cover. That reminds me of the Catholic School uniform that I used to wear in high school! LOL. Is the story in a contemporary setting? It looks like it.

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