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Happy Release Day and ARC #Review of Wine Hard Baby (OHHELLNO # 6) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff! @MimiJeanRomance

From New York Times Bestseller Mimi Jean Pamfiloff comes an Enemies-to-Lovers, Romantic Comedy.

CAUTION: CONTAINS HOT COWBOY. Do not mix with wine. Avoid watching him do shirtless labor on hot days.

SIDE EFFECTS MAY INCLUDE: Feeling of extreme temptation, excessive drooling over his abs, elevated heart rate, and loss of coherent thoughts when in his presence.

My name is Camila Clark. And that sexy cowboy right there? The one with the devilish smile, twinkling brown eyes, and tattoos on his muscular arms? He’s Jed, the guy I turned down flat back in Texas. He just showed up here in Oregon at the winery where I work.

The question is why?

Not that it really matters. I have my reasons for staying away from all that manly temptation. Reasons he can’t possibly understand but seems determined to punish me for.

But the more I fight him, the more I learn about this mysterious, hot-as-hell cowboy. I just don’t know how much longer I can keep pretending to hate him.

The problem is, I’m technically engaged to a guy I’ve never met.




Yall this book.  I seriously snort laughed my way through it.  I had to re-read a lot of it because of the laughter.  Ms. Pamfiloff has the greatest knack for off the wall, goofy, smile-inducing, tears of joy, and just a knack for sassy, snarky dialogue but this book is her best yet.  Imagine your school librarian with a serious case of a sailor’s mouth.  That is our heroine, Camila.  If you are even the bit offended by cussing, then this book is not for you but trust me, the cussing makes sense and it’s hilarious.  My own mother cusses like a sailor, too but nothing like Camila.

Cussing aside, this book has a very valid point to it.  Acceptance.  Never judge a book by its cover and tolerance.  I’m probably one of the most tolerant people but unfortunately, there are people like Camila’s parents.  Not to mention Milton, her intended.  Tell you what, Milton shines in his final scene and I loved it.  It’s heartfelt, emotional, and funny as heck.  Poor Milton but it sets up a later scene with Camila.  All Camila wants is to marry for love, what’s wrong with that?  With a hot cowboy that has a lot of layers?  Why not.

Jed is the type of hero that I tend to love right from the beginning.  He’s sexy, funny, and at times, full of himself but it works.  After being turned away from Camila and one of her cussing episodes, I couldn’t help but feel that fell in love with her right then and there.  But he is more than just a pretty face and a hot body.  He has feelings, reads books, and smart.  He went through a lot growing up and doesn’t understand why Camila’s parents are the way there are.  Between all the charades at the winery, we get to see a man that has the patience of a saint and a good heart.

Gisselle and Leland make appearances in the book and oh how I missed them.  They had laughter and levity to the romance between Jed and Camila.  I almost got really pissed off during this book in regard to them but I understand why Ms. Pamfiloff did what she did with them.  Yes, I’m putting it out there Ms. Pamfiloff.  You made me mad.

There is a line in the book that still makes me laugh regarding having the big smexy time in the book.  Camila says it and I swear I scared my dog when I snorted so loud.  It was perfect but then again, that is the dialogue that Ms. Pamlifoff is so wonderful with.  Her characters actually talk to each other.  Refreshing.

This series is one of the best that I have read.  You do not have to read them in order because each stands alone.  However, do yourself a favor and read them.  They are funny, sexy and the characters are strong.  No damsels in distress or men that are douchebags.  Just great reads all the way around.



About the Author

MIMI JEAN PAMFILOFF is a New York Times bestselling author who’s sold over one million books around the world. Although she obtained her MBA and worked for more than fifteen years in the corporate world, she believes that it’s never too late to come out of the romance closet and follow your dreams.

Mimi lives with her Latin lover hubby, two pirates-in-training (their boys), and their three spunky dragons (really, just very tiny dogs with big attitudes) Snowy, Mini, and Mack, in the vampire-unfriendly state of Arizona.

She hopes to make you laugh when you need it most and continues to pray daily that leather pants will make a big comeback for men.

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