Title: Sonar the Cyclone
Author: B Truly
Series: The Sonar Series (2)
Genre: New Adult, Paranormal, Romance, SciFi
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: July 3 2015
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook & Print
Is your destiny determined by what the future has foretold? Or is fate deemed in the hands of what you behold?
The Royal 4 are now back on their home territory of Nazari, determined to get things back to normal. Syira’s forbidden love is being held captive. She is hell-bent on fighting for him despite the immense obstacles. She must find a way to convince her race that Kadeem is not dangerous. Their threat lies from deeper within.
Shiray has accepted her past and is moving forward with her life, but it comes back to haunt her tenfold. That all changes when she stumbles across the truth. Now, she must pick up the pieces of her shattered life.
They are in the calm but know when they approach the dirty side of the Cyclone storm, terrible things will unravel. The future is revealed and they get a glimpse of Fate’s course. Time is not on their side. They must attempt to change their destiny or their world will be doomed.
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How to Research your story before writing your book
By: B Truly
I personally think research for a novel is the second step in the writing process. The first step is having a plot to research. To start a story, first you need to create a plot with characters. Once you have that down, you’ll have an idea about what to research. The research that you will need will depend on the type book you are writing.
Some details will be creative and things you make unique to your book. Others concepts you’ll want to have correct facts about. For example, if your characters are staying in a specific state. You may want to use correct city names for that state, also for schools or other monumental building in that state for your writing.
Another aspect of your story to research is a theme. For The Sonar Series I wrote, I decided my theme would be Egypt. From there, I researched Egypt while writing the series. Several of my characters cities are named after Egyptian cities. I also used a few Egyptian terms. Thasian is one word I used. It is an Egyptian term for wine.
Google is my number one website resource. Research is an ongoing process throughout writing. Google is great for looking up any kind of research, especially variations of words. When writing, it’s important to use a variety of different words and expand the word vocabulary for your work. Goggle is very good with giving definitions and also different words that you can exchange in place of a word.
Since I have become and author, doing research has been fun. Those are two words that I never thought I would use in the same sentence. It’s just something cool and special when you are researching a topic that is created from your own imaginative world.
Author Information
I have wanted to be an author since I was fifteen years old and grateful to have accomplished this dream. I have three wonderful children and a husband who defines the person I am today. I work full-time as an Ultrasound technologist in Sugarland, Texas.
I have very vivid dreams and a wild imagination. I like to read, watch tons of TV shows, and movies. I’m addicted to romance and get a thrill out of action and suspense. I write New Adult Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Paranormal-Romance.
In the Sonar series it was fun to explore different elements of Sci-fi romance and create various realms of powers for my characters. I want to show my readers that Sci-fi can be fun, but also traumatic. I hope you guys enjoy the Sonar Series.
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Other Works by B Truly
The Sonar Series
Sonar the Crashing (Book 1)
Melanie’s Evanescent Journey (Book 1.5)
Sonar the Cyclone (Book 2)
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Thank you for your comment Maria.
This is a new to me book and author – thanks for the spotlight and giveaway