Before everyone freaks out, yes this book is YA and yes, Pink should have posted it but I felt the subject matter was too important NOT to post over here. The situations in the book can and have happened to many different people. Doesn’t matter where you live, how much money you have, etc. Abuse is abuse…no matter what form. I highly recommend this book to mothers to give to their teenagers/college age daughters to read. Again, too important to ignore. 🙂
Title: Falling Behind
Author: Dee Avila
Genre: Mature Young Adult
Release Date: June 2013
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Going into the her second year of high school in the rural town of Laton, Reese was ready to come out of her shell, experience life with her best friends and find a way to tell Titus she wanted to be more than friends. When Josh, the new student, shows up on the first day and a whirlwind relationship starts between him and Reese, she was in her own world and barely noticed her friend spiraling downhill. The night Josh pushed her to far her best friend died, causing her own world to spiral.
Trying to move on from losing her best friend and ignore what Josh did to her, Reese pulls away from everyone. She had to overcome her fears and face her demons to be able to move forward.
I’m a wife and mother of four. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I use to write fairy tales when I was in grade school, but now I love writing about those tough high school years and how one decision can change the course of your life. Friendships, first loves and over coming the odds all interest me.
Three years ago, I decided life was too short to waste my stories by letting them collect dust on my shelves. I researched querying, took a few writing workshops and wrote the whole time. I first ventured away from what I normally wrote and tried a Paranormal Romance. That novel is tucked safely away. A year ago I chose to go back to my roots and write what I love – friendships, love and choices – how speaking out can save a life, maybe yours or a friends.
I talked to other authors and made wonderful friends. That’s when I learned about self-publishing. I’m glad I followed through. I was so nervous to hit publish, but now I am grateful for the encouragement. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.
I’m usually in front of my laptop. When I’m not writing I am either trying to catch up on a weeks worth of laundry or on Facebook. I am a huge procrastinator. Usually close to a deadline, you can find me actually cleaning house just so I don’t have to hit send. I think sending my books out to betas and my editor is the second scariest thing in the world. I love Rockstars and PB&J sandwiches. (Not the healthiest I know but it’s the fastest and it tastes good.)
I love meeting new people, find me on Facebook/deeavilaauthor
or Twitter @deeavilabooks.
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