Title: Broken Series: Broken Trilogy #1 Author: J.L. Drake Genre: Romantic Suspense Publisher: Limitless Publishing LLC Release Date: March 2, 2015 Blurb My name is Savannah Miller. My father is the mayor of New York. One day after my twenty-seventh birthday I was grabbed from behind. A cloth sack was… Continue reading #Review of Broken (Broken Trilogy #1) by J.L. Drake! @givemebooksblog @jodildrake_j #romance #suspense @j.l.drake
Category: Limitless
#Review of The Dating Bender by Christina Julian w/a rafflecopter giveaway! @givemebooksblog @christin_julian
Title: The Dating Bender Author: Christina Julian Genre: Chick Lit/Romantic Comedy Release Date: August 22, 2017 Blurb Here I am, on my knees in front of the Trevi Fountain, hoping like hell the legend is true. That the fountain gives you solace and love by a mere toss of a coin. Why am I here, exactly?… Continue reading #Review of The Dating Bender by Christina Julian w/a rafflecopter giveaway! @givemebooksblog @christin_julian
Review of Secondhand Sinners by Genevieve Lynne
Meet Genevieve: Genevieve Lynne grew up in a small Texas town where everyone knew each other and gossip was considered a legitimate news source. She was raised on heaping doses of her grandmothers’ fabulous cooking, sweet tea, hot summer nights at the lake and maternal guilt. Even after moving to Austin to pursue her bachelor’s… Continue reading Review of Secondhand Sinners by Genevieve Lynne