Title: Destiny Awakened Series: Destiny #4 Author: Nana Prah Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance Published: November 6, 2016 Published by: Decadent Publishing After enduring a traumatic event as a child, Gloria Anokye isn’t sure she’ll ever be enough for any man. With no other option, she entrusts her romantic future into the hands of Esi, midwife-turned-matchmaker.… Continue reading Excerpt from Destiny Awakened (Destiny #4) by Nana Prah w/a rafflecopter giveaway!
Category: Decadent
Cover Reveal for Destiny Awakened (Destiny #4) by Nana Prah w/a rafflecopter giveaway! #1click, #adult, #availablenow, #coverreveal, #giveaway, #excerpt, #kindle, #kobo, #nook, #newrelease, #mustread, #romance
Title: Destiny Awakened Series: Destiny #4 Author: Nana Prah Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance Published: November 6, 2016 Published by: Decadent Publishing Valerie Tibbs of Tibbs Design After enduring a traumatic event as a child, Gloria Anokye isn’t sure she’ll ever be enough for any man. With no other option, she entrusts her romantic future into… Continue reading Cover Reveal for Destiny Awakened (Destiny #4) by Nana Prah w/a rafflecopter giveaway! #1click, #adult, #availablenow, #coverreveal, #giveaway, #excerpt, #kindle, #kobo, #nook, #newrelease, #mustread, #romance
Blog Tour for Entined Destiny (Destiny #3) by Nana Prah w/a rafflecopter giveaway! @NanaPrah
Title: Entwined Destiny Series: Destiny #3 Author: Nana Prah Genre: Adult, Multicultural Romance Published: January 12, 2016 Published by: Decadent Publishing Company, LLC Time is ticking away for Adjoa Twum. She has until the end of the year to find a guy, fall in love, and marry. Or else, her father will disinherit her from… Continue reading Blog Tour for Entined Destiny (Destiny #3) by Nana Prah w/a rafflecopter giveaway! @NanaPrah