This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Lori will be awarding a $15 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour. Remember, the more stops you visit and comment, the better your chances to win.
Lori Ryan’s Sutton Capital Series Boxed Set masterfully combines contemporary romance with a kick of suspense to keep you turning the pages well after midnight! This three novel and one novella set is sexy and steamy and the individual books have over 150 Five Star reviews on Amazon. Regularly priced at $4.99, Lori is discounting it to 99 cents from April 29th through May 5th only! Grab it now before the price goes up.
Now enjoy an excerpt:
Jack waited in his home office, keeping busy as he looked at projections and company profiles until her heard Kelly come in from her run and start the shower. He climbed the stairs and headed into their bedroom. He opened the French doors that led to the balcony and leaned on the railing while he waited for her to finish. This was going to be fun, he thought.
He heard the shower turn off and turned to wait for her to open the door, but if he thought he was prepared for what he saw, he was dead wrong. Kelly stepped out moments later with her hair hanging wet over her shoulders, wearing nothing more than a towel wrapped around her. She’d tucked an end into the dip between her breasts to hold it up. He was actually stunned silent for a minute and stared as she crossed the room to the walk-in closet. He had known Kelly was gorgeous, and he had felt some of her body, but seeing her like this was so much more than he imagined. He felt a jolt straight down to his groin and swallowed as he watched her.
Her skin was creamy and looked so soft he was dying to nibble every inch of it. Her breasts were full and begged for his hands to hold them, his tongue to explore them. The towel fell just past her luscious hips that curved and cried out to be held, explored, entered. Her legs were smooth and bare and still had small droplets of water on them that shimmered against her skin. Jack could picture himself covering those legs from her ankles to thigh with slow, lazy kisses.
Kelly turned and saw Jack watching her from the balcony, and her small scream jolted Jack back to his senses. A slow smile spread across his face, but his eyes burned hot and intense as he watched her. Kelly pulled the towel tighter around her curves as he walked slowly over to join her in the room.
“Why are you avoiding me in the evenings, Kelly?” he asked her softly.
Kelly felt as if Jack’s low, gravelly voice were washing over her, caressing her. Her body tingled in anticipation.
“I-I….” She stumbled over her words and couldn’t come up with more to say as he slowly stalked her. He moved in on her, and she had to back up toward the wall to keep some distance between them. When she couldn’t go any further, Jack leaned down and kissed the curve between her neck and her shoulder, lingering as his breath tickled and teased her.
“You’re avoiding me, Kelly.” Jack pressed hot kisses down her shoulder. “What I can’t figure out is why you would do that because I know you’re as attracted to me as I am to you.” Now he looked her right in the eye as she shook her head, causing him to grin in response.
“Kelly, it’s my job to know when people are bluffing,” he said as he ran the tips of his fingers lightly over her arms, down to her wrists and back up again.
“You’re bluffing, Kel. You’re attracted to me. I feel it when I kiss you, when you press your body against mine, when your breath catches as I whisper in your ear.”
Kelly’s head swam, and she could barely think straight as Jack attacked all of her senses. “No, I’m not. I mean, I’m….” Frustrated, she felt the color creep up her cheeks as she tried to explain why she had avoided this very scene.
“Jack, I’m not like the women you’ve been with. I don’t sleep around. I’m not a supermodel. I’m just normal. Completely normal with a normal body and normal breasts, and I wear normal size clothes not Barbie Doll sizes like you’re used to.” Once Kelly got started, she blurted it all out. “I can’t compete with what you’re used to. I don’t want to compete with them.”
Jack stopped his seductive teasing and stood up, stunned. Now he leveled a serious look at her, and he could see she really meant what she’d said. She wasn’t fishing for compliments or playing games like a lot of the women he had dated.
“You’re completely serious, aren’t you? You don’t think I’m attracted to you.” He didn’t back off an inch. He kept her pressed against the wall.
“It’s okay, Jack. I mean, I didn’t expect you to be when we started this, and I’m okay with that.” Kelly continued to babble on as he watched her in disbelief. Finally, Jack made up his mind and shook his head.
“Then, I’ll have to convince you.” He dipped a finger into the vee of Kelly’s towel at her breasts and tugged her gently toward him as he captured her mouth with his once again. When he broke from her lips, leaving her breathless, he looked her in the eyes again.
“I’m extremely attracted to you, Kelly. I love your body. I love the curves of it, the size of it, your softness, your full breasts – everything about it. All you have to do is enter the room and I’m ready for you. And soon, I’m going to convince you of that and get you into bed in the true sense instead of just sleeping next to me.” As Jack spoke, he peppered her neck, shoulders, mouth, and jawline with searing kisses that had Kelly’s legs shaking and her body melting for him.
“And when I take you to bed, Kelly, you’ll be confident that I’m truly interested in being there with you – and nobody else. That I want to be there with you.” With one last deep kiss, Jack released her.
“Good night, sweetheart,” he said, and he smiled at her dazed expression as he slipped from the room.
Lori Ryan is a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author who writes contemporary romance with a twist of suspense. She lives with an extremely understanding husband, two wonderful children, two mostly-behaved dogs, and a lone little cat in Austin, Texas. It’s a bit of a zoo, but she wouldn’t change a thing.
Thank you for the chance.
That was a nice excerpt
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Just downloaded the set-great price!
Love the excerpt!
I’ve read all these books and they are amazing! A must read and a killer deal at this price! Worth all 99 pennies!
Thank you for hosting! I hope your readers love the books. You guys can always reach me at if you want to say hi!
Sorry so late! *waves to Lori* This series is amazing!
Thanks for the giveaway! Can’t wait to read these books!
Thanks for hosting!