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Book Blast for Clear as Glass by Lynn Kellan w/a $50 Jewelry Giveaway via Rafflecopter


Harlie here:  I read this book for a RWA chapter contest a couple of years ago.  I was right on the money when I said it should be published.  🙂  Major congratulations to Lynn.  I fell in love with Mitch then and he still has a piece of my heart now.  


Clear as Glass

by Lynn Kellan






Poised to become her overbearing father’s right-hand man, Jaye Davis is tired of being a faceless drone, writing software. She’d rather help real people—like the family who owns a struggling glassblowing factory in rural Pennsylvania. While she’s there, she might figure out how to squash the secrets gnawing at her.


Mitchell Blake and his father keep butting heads about expanding Blake Glassware, and now Mitch has to deal with his father’s consultant, Jaye. She claims online marketing will boost sales, but Mitch insists broadening their product line will increase revenue. Arguing with this doe-eyed woman makes one thing perfectly clear: she has the power to shatter his safe, lonely life.


Jaye’s got four weeks to save his glassblowing factory, but he detests her marketing plan. She’s got no place to live, but he has an extra bedroom in his house. She’s got secrets, but living with a glassblower who can see right through her would be an enormous mistake…or would it?





Excerpt One:


Her insides kinked. A few minutes ago, she hit him in the nuts and called him a murderous sex maniac. Now, he had very good reason to fire her.


“You must be Mitch Blake.” She angled the flashlight at her chest. The bright light beamed off the ruffled white blouse peeking from the lapels of her blazer. “Your father hired me.”


Mitch’s gaze dropped to her skirt. “I’m supposed to meet someone named Jayson Davis.”


“I’m Jayson, but I’d rather you call me Jaye. Sorry about the confusion. If it’s any consolation, this isn’t the first time someone didn’t expect me. My father was convinced I’d be a boy. He liked the name Jayson too much to change it.” The confession eroded her confidence. Would Mitch be another man she’d never please?


The muscles along his jaw tightened, hard as the cold pavement. “Does my father know you’re a woman?”


“I have no idea. We made arrangements via email. He never asked.” Mitchell Blake was acting like a sexist oaf who thought women didn’t belong in a factory. Jaye gripped the flashlight, tempted to whack him in the nuts again. “Your father said he’d provide a place for me to live during our four-week contract. Could you point me to the hotel?”


“You’re not staying at a hotel.” Mitch’s terse words bounced off the road. “You’re living with me.”



AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Lynn Kellan writes romance about strong men who have a weakness for smart women. She believes men and women aren’t that different…we both want to be with someone who will empty the dishwasher. When Lynn isn’t writing, she likes to play tennis and golf, but not at the same time.


Visit Lynn’s website at: http://LynnKellan.com


Lynn’s twitter: https://twitter.com/LynnKellan


Lynn’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LynnKellan.Author?ref=sgm


Lynn’s newsletter: http://eepurl.com/E4qxL


Lynn’s Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/111286423102544277412/posts


Lynn’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fHDuRa_Y0bo23Q3r9fICA


Find buy links for Lynn’s books at: http://forloveorfunny.com/books
a Rafflecopter giveaway


9 thoughts on “Book Blast for Clear as Glass by Lynn Kellan w/a $50 Jewelry Giveaway via Rafflecopter

  1. Thank you sooooo much, Harlie!! Your sweet comment at the top of the post MADE MY DAY!

    I wanted to write about a burly glassblower after I watched the men work at Simon Pearce Glassware. I decided to give my glassblower a problem: his father is doing a poor job managing their glassblowing business and hires a woman to develop a marketing plan. Mitch, of course, despises the plan.

    The last thing Mitchell Blake needs is a hot-shot consultant to “save” his glassblowing business, but this one is different. She is hiding something. If he can see through her secrets, he might have reason to fire her…or keep her forever.

    1. Still love this book after I read it. Mitch is great and I’m so happy that you published it.


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