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Blog Tour for Choices by Sarah Ann Walker w/a rafflecopter giveaway!

Title: Choices…
Author: Sarah Ann Walker
Genre: Dark Psychological Romance
Published: July 3, 2015
“Crying, I can’t help but realize, nothing in life can destroy you faster than your own choices…”Samantha Newman is awesome.
She has best friends, a soul mate, and the love of her life.
She is loved, and she loves in return.She is sexy, intelligent, successful, and happy.
People gravitate toward her, and live for her love…
Until she has an accident.Recovering, things begin changing in and around her.
Samantha is no longer loved and trusted, and she’s no longer happy.
When her life becomes little more than grey darkness,
She slowly loses everyone who ever mattered to her.
Through a series of choices made,
Samantha become nothing but a memory of her former self.
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Sarah Ann Walker is a Scottish Canadian who was raised in Canada, where she attended McMaster University as an English major. In 2002 Sarah met and married her American husband and they chose to remain in Canada together where they raise their son.
In the summer of 2012, during a manic two week period Sarah was transformed into the main character of ‘I am HER…’ released November 2012. The sequel ‘THIS is me…’ followed in November 2013. In May 2014 Sarah released the dark ‘My Dear Stranger’, followed by LOST in November 2014. Sarah’s newest release ‘Choices…’ was released July 3rd 2015 to rave reviews.In her real life Sarah is an absolute junkie for coffee, high heels, and dark chocolate with sea salt.

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