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ARC #Review of Leather Pants (Happy Pants Cafe series #2) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff w/a rafflecopter giveaway! @MimiJeanRomance

Leather Pants

Book #2 of the Happy Pants Cafe Series

by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

From New York Times Bestseller, Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, Comes Book #2 of The Happy Pants Cafe Series

It Only Takes One Hot Rock Star To Ruin Your Life…


The youngest woman to ever sit on the bench, the Honorable Sarah Rae Alma has busted her butt to get where she is. No fun. No distractions. And definitely no bad boys. In fact, she takes a certain pleasure in crushing their souls—yes, she has her reasons.


So when rock-n-roll’s most famous bad boy, the legendary Colton Young, enters her court, looking hotter than sin and smugger than hell, she’s just itching to serve a little justice.


But Sarah’s about to make the biggest mistake of her life. And her fate will land squarely in the hands of the world’s most notorious rock star rebel.


Will he crush her? Or will he tempt her to take a walk on the wild side?

I swear…like on my kid, where have I been this whole time?  Another book by Ms. Pamfiloff and another winner.  After I finished reading this book, I went to Barnes and Noble and bought the other two books in the series.  Yes, I BOUGHT books.  I had to know how the series started and I seriously needed to read Bennett’s and Taylor’s story.  This book is brilliant.  I expected a rock star romance and if you looking for it…it’s not here.  This a great rom-com, character driven, sexy story about letting go and forgiveness.  It also makes you realize that some dreams fade and that new dreams can come true.

Colt is damaged.  I don’t mean just physical but mentally.  I really liked the “notebook” and him writing in it all the time but when he realized that Sarah has the power for him to remember all the good and bad that has happened in his life is just jaw dropping.  The times that he couldn’t remember and then remember.  Those instances were brilliant written and Ms. Pamfiloff tugs at your heart with them.  When Colt finally gets all of his memories back, there will be hell to pay for everyone involved.

Sarah, I just loved her.  To have sex with your rock god crush (I’m thinking Jon Bon Jovi for me) and then realizing how just awful it will be to her career?  Again, Ms. Pamfiloff pulls off the impossible with Sarah and her inner dialogue.  I will have to say that her relationship with Taylor and even Bennett…I’m jealous.  And Jack, oh Jack!  He must find love again.  Someone like him is just too good to pass up.  Speaking of the other secondary characters…damn…Luci, Holly, Melissa, Maria and even Judge Wright were perfection.  Mike is a complete douche.  He and Judge Wright got what they were coming and in the end, I did feel bad for Colt in regards to Mike.  I couldn’t imagine what Colt felt when he totally got the whole truth about the depth of Mike’s betrayal.  Sick, just sick.

I have to comment on the sex or actually lack of it in the book.  Yes, they hook up very early in the book but watching the build up for their next encounter is just funny, sexy and just right.  Ms. Pamfiloff writes great sexual tension and in every book that I have read by her…the sex is secondary.  This story didn’t need it except in the beginning and I would have been fine with it.  Again, character driven story, snappy dialogue and the suspense element that is woven in, is just wanted I needed.  I do, however, need to mention that the actual romance of the book is awesome, too.  Colt and Sarah are completely out of their element when it comes to this and watching them dance around and fall in love.  I literally swooned.

Do yourself a favor?  Buy this book!  Hell, buy any of her books.  You will not be sorry.  I’m glad that I did and there is no looking back now.  Bring on Jack’s story.  In the meantime, I have Harper/Austin and Bennett/Taylor’s books to keep me company.

Like buy the book now. You’re welcome!





a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author


MIMI JEAN PAMFILOFF is a USA Today and New York Times bestselling romance author. Although she obtained her MBA and worked for more than fifteen years in the corporate world, she believes that it’s never too late to come out of the romance closet and follow your dream. Mimi lives with her Latin Lover hubby, two pirates-in-training (their boys), and the rat terrier duo, Snowflake and Mini Me, in Arizona. She hopes to make you laugh when you need it most and continues to pray daily that leather pants will make a big comeback for men

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Other books in the series

Happy Pants Cafe
(Series Prequel)



Tailored for Trouble
(Book #1)



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