Happy Book Birthday to Love’s Sorrow!
Today marks the kick-off of Love’s Sorrow blog tour AND part one of …
a sneak peak at the entire first chapter!
Follow along during the tour for parts two through ten, and be sure to check out the rafflecopter below for some Love’s Sorrow goodies!
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Love’s Sorrow
Means of Mercy #1
Historical Romance
Release Date: April 21, 2014
Publisher: Roane Publishing
Hired as a nanny for her cousin’s children, Anne Tearle finds security and a loving family. The children are a dream, but London society is a world of its own, one where a displaced farm girl has no business being. But, wealthy rake, Gavin MacKay, helps her to see associating with the upper class might not be as horrid as she first assumed.
Like all things worthwhile, love comes at a price, and the cost soon bestows more anguish than joy. Lost, but not undone, Anne must find the courage to begin life anew, or succumb to sorrow’s unrelenting waves of grief.
Chapter 1 / Excerpt 1
With a loud grind and clanking, the train came to rest at King’s Cross Station. The engine car let out a hiss like the sigh that escaped my lips every night when I laid on my pallet after a long day’s work.
Pressing my face to the window, I stared in amazement at the mass of moving people. When boarding the train in Birmingham, excitement kept me from giving the well-to-do folks more than a mere glance, but I sat captivated as my fellow passengers disembarked around me.
Lavish bonnets and bright-coloured dresses of silky material made me ashamed of the threadbare gingham frock and tattered straw hat I wore.
Aunt Martha and Mary always tried to keep up with the latest fashions by ripping and sewing old dresses—garments beyond repair became an extra flounce or two, and the nicer threads unwoven and made into lace collars or cuffs. I hadn’t ever been allowed time for such frivolous activities, so I made myself content with proper skirt length and suitable patches for worn elbows.
Content, until I gazed upon the ladies of London in all their finery. Aunt Martha would say those folks sinned by squandering their money in such a way.
For about the tenth time, I imagined my aunt’s kitchen minus its scullery maid and target for hurled objects. I choked back a giggle for what must have been the fifth time that morning. My days of being a slave were over, for I had been offered employment.
Fingers trembling, I stood and wrapped my thin shawl tight around my shoulders, clutched my bundle closer, and walked the train’s narrow aisle. I stepped onto the platform and peered around the sea of faces for Joanna Telford.
I had never met my cousin from London. Until a few weeks earlier, I wasn’t even aware I had family beyond Uncle Edward and Aunt Martha. Mrs. Telford wrote to tell me she and her husband were in need of a nanny and governess for their two young sons, and being the merciful guardian he was, Uncle Edward decided to send me away from his wife.
Without her knowing.
Another smile lifted my lips, and I shifted on my feet, moving my tied bundle from one hand to the other. I grimaced as a whiff of body odour rose. Aunt Martha allowed me to bathe once a week, which would have been on the morrow, but asking to do so early certainly would have aroused suspicion. Sneaking away from her house before sunrise as I did would never have occurred with success.
No one spared the poor farm girl a second glance, and insides buzzing like a honey bee, I stood unmoving, a white-knuckled grip on my worldly possessions.
Minutes moved passed slower than a lazy stream and the surrounding crowd began to disperse. I waited. Despair crept closer with every passing heartbeat.
A stooped man in black livery made eye contact with me, and a pleasant smile lit his face as he started my way.
“Miss Tearle?” His voice rasped like a rusty barn door hinge.
“Yes. I am Anne Tearle.” I was grateful to my aunt for one thing. My accent matched almost perfectly with those buzzing around me. Aunt Martha’s hatred of the Black Country we lived in and the cane across the back of my legs every time I slipped into the bouncing regional lilt had eradicated all but the barest traces of it.
The elderly gentleman removed his hat, tucked it under one arm, and dipped his head. “Welcome to London, missy.” His smile widened and the skin around his watery blue eyes crinkled. “I’m the Telfords’ coachman, Emanuel. The missus has sent me to collect you.”

As most know my reviews can be long-winded, gushing, thought-provoking and sometimes even funny. Well, this one is going to be different. I have to admit that this book is my first ever book hangover. Yes, I’m THAT type of reader that doesn’t get the hangover nor do I understand the whole “OMG, the new ____ book is out and I’m taking the day off from life to read it” and then talk about it for a week on Facebook. Again, I’m not one of the cool girls but that’s okay.
Unfortunately, my review of Love’s Sorrows will be short and sweet. Why? Because if I say too much about the book, plot, characters, etc., I will break Harlie’s Books cardinal rule…NO SPOILERS! I stalked Terri the day I finished reading it because I was such a mess that I had to know when the next book will be out. Yes, I stalked an author. And get this…she laughed. Evil woman! She did take me off the ledge, petted my head and told me that in NOVEMBER all will be revealed. Yes, November. *head keyboard from fainting* But at least I know what I’m up against. So without further ado here is my “list”:
1. This is a sweet historical. Everything is behind closed-door for the most part. Ms. Rochenski can write sexual tension and make you feel the moment better than anyone.
2. Keep in mind that this book is set in England so woman don’t have as many rights has American women did. Some of the book happens in America and Anne is somewhat taken back by the “rights” that women had over there. It was refreshing to see her grow when she was in
3. Please note that Ms. Rochenski does talk about social issues that women faced back then: abuse, social standings, mistresses, miscarriages and alcoholism. There is also one scene of abuse/forced sexual content. I’m sorry but I had to say that one. The rest of the book is sweet so don’t worry.
4. I was immersed in Anne and Gavin’s story that when I hit the 3/4 mark, the author did an almost 180 degree turn that left me gutted, crying, screaming and hurt for the rest of the book. (She did take me off the ledge when I talked to her) But what I came away with in the end is that Anne reminded me of another literary heroine, Scarlett O’Hara and I will leave it at that.
5. When reading Regacy/Victorian historical romance, most authors get bogged down in the details and leave me bored. Ms. Rachel Brimble is one of those authors that DOESN’T get bogged down and I love her for it and she knows it. Ms. Rochenski’s characters Anne and Gavin, turned into one of the best character driven books that I’ve read in this genre for a long time.
6. Do yourself a favor and buy this book. Put it on the top of your TBR pile and spend a day with Anne and Gavin. You will feel gutted, stunned and just plain open-mouthed in the end. Don’t say I didn’t warn you but this book is not to be ignored. Ms. Rochenski has written a brilliantly, in some ways brutal, book that everyone must read and then come back and cry with me. Only 7 months until the next book.
WARNING: This is an open-ended book. There is no HEA or HFN for Anne and Gavin. Again, 7 months. *SIGH*

About Terri Rochenski
Terri started writing stories in the 8th grade, when a little gnome whispered in her brain. Gundi’s Great Adventure never hit the best seller list, but it started a long love affair with storytelling.
Today she enjoys an escape to Middle Earth during the rare ‘me’ moments her three young children allow. When not playing toys, picking them back up, or kissing boo-boos, she can be found sprawled on the couch with a book or pencil in hand, and toothpicks propping her eyelids open.
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Tour Schedule |
Book Blitz and Tour-wide Giveaway
Signed paperback copy of Love’s Sorrow,
$10 Amazon gift card, & swag package.
Ends 5/16/2014
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code. No purchase necessary, but you must be 18 or older to enter. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter, and announced on the widget. Winner well be notified by emailed and have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. The number of entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Roane Publishing’s marketing department.
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