As most people know, Harlie is now a published writer. Woo Hoo me but with that comes some hard decisions regarding Harlie’s Books. I’m not giving up on Harlie’s Books at all. I will still be around reviewing and participating in blog tours; just not as much.
I’ve added a true admin to help out with reviewing, posting, etc. Harlie will still participate in blog tours with her current tour partners and she will always support them. I just have to back away and take a breath for a bit. I’ve never recovered from the holidays and the brutal schedule that I put myself on. I’ve left people hanging and that’s unprofessional and so NOT me or Harlie’s intent. For this I humbly apologize and hope that people will forgive me. Please be warned that if you are a subscriber by email, the next couple of weeks, a lot of reviews will be up for your pleasure.
If you have asked for a review and completed the form online, you will get an email in the next couple of days to see if you are still interested in having us review it. If not, please let us know. I’m hoping to add some reviewers to the roster so that we can provide romance readers with informed reviews.
Harlie has also added a hash tag on Twitter. It’s too much of a hassle to change Twitter handles since I have almost 1,400 followers. The new hash tag is #HarliesBooks. You can follow us through the hash tag and of course, @marika67 for the actual post. Any other correspondence regarding the blog, please contact us at either email addresses: harlie@harliesbooks.com or libertyireland@harliesbooks.com.
Harlie has some really great stuff coming up and she is going back to why she decided to review and blog. Yes, she is going back to her covered up roots with a Harlequin spotlight on Thursday. In keeping with the many lines that Harlequin has in their catalog, Harlie will spotlight one every week. Stay tuned for more details.
I’m exciting about the changes that will be happening at Harlie’s Books. I hope you will too and keep on visiting.
good luck, best to ya
Congrats girl, it’s all good.
I empathize with you, Harlie. It’s tough to juggle all our demands. Best of luck to you in 2013!
Good luck with the new phase in your career
Harlie, you silly girl. You owe no one any apologies. You’re just as fun and as sweet as ever. Everyone who knows you also knows how much you deserve to move on to bigger and better things! 🙂
Best of luck with your plans and don’t be too hard on yourself – this writing life can suck up more hours than are in a day.
Good luck with this new phase of your romance career, Harlie! You’ve been good to writers, now you’re one of us! We have your back. Enjoy the excitement and keep reading…most of all, keep writing!