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1NS series Celebration featuring the Sleepy Hollow series by Taryn Kincaid w/2 giveaways

sleepy hollow cover


Howdy everyone!  Just a few things before the characters take over the blog.

1.  I’m a HUGE 1NS fan, some would say that I’m a 1NS ho!  LOL!  I think I’ve read most of them and that’s alot.

2.  I know that I don’t review alot of paranormal books but I have read Ms. Kincaid’s series and they are hot and very well written.

3.  Harlie’s Books is having its own Rafflecopter in addition to Decadent’s.  Two chances to win!  Woot!

4.  I’m telling you, if you haven’t picked up this series…shame you!  Its fun, sexy, hotter than hades and Ms. Kincaid can write a story.

Celebrating Decadent Publishing’s 1 Night Stand series

withTaryn Kincaid (and her imaginary friends).


So the last time Harlie attempted to interview me, Bhyrne and Zena, the hero and heroine from my latest 1Night Stand, HEAT WAVE, hogged the show and kicked me outta here.


This time, since we’re here as an homage to all things 1Night Stand, in honor of Decadent Publishing’s week-long bash celebrating the release of the 200th 1Night Stand book, I thought we’d let all the inmates of my SLEEPY HOLLOW anthology – Lily and Campbell from LIGHTNING; Veronica and Sean from THUNDER; Max and Dagney from FROST, and yeah, the incorrigible Zena and Bhyrne; as well as Jack and Mandy from BLIZZARD (which isn’t a 1Night Stand, but is included in the SLEEPY HOLLOW anthology – sort of randomly take over the asylum.

sleepy hollow bannersleepy hollow cover


Welcome to steamy Sleepy Hollow, where lightning strikes, the temperatures are HOT, and the erotic sparks fly!

You wouldn’t think three sultry succubi sisters, two sexy fire-demons, a reluctant witch and a couple of mega hunky mortals would need hook-ups courtesy of Madame Eve’s ultra-exclusive 1Night Stand agency…but hey, the dating scene can be rough, even if you’ve got extraordinary paranormal powers and live in a mystical village populated by supernaturals… where things tend to go bump in the night.


Taryn Kincaid’s erotic 1Night Stand stories, LIGHTNING,THUNDER, FROST and HEAT WAVE are a little snarky, a lot smokin’ and will melt your heart! And then BLIZZARD will set you aflame!


Visit SLEEPY HOLLOW and fall under the spell…

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 If this top ten list doesn’t make you go out and buy these books…I think you are dead.  The characters are a hoot!  🙂

Top ten things you don’t know about us:

1.  Cotton or Silk?


Veronica: Well, I’m a witch.

Sean: She’s got bats.

Veronica: And that has to do with cotton or silk, how?

Sean: One step ahead of you, sweetcheeks. Witches, bats. Spiders, silk. Get it.?



2.  Champagne/beer/wine?

Lily: Sex on the Beach

Campbell: When I’m with my brother, Sean, it’s beer all the way. When I’m with my baby…champagne. Definitely champagne.



3.  Plotter/pantser

Jack: Well, we kind of plotted our secret, snowy, clandestine rendezvous.

Mandy: And I got him out of his pants in record time.



4.  Describe your workspace:

Max: I paint. Erotic art.

Dagney: I pose.

Max: Yeah, so…you get that picture?


5.  Sports fan or just tolerate it?

Sean: Yeah, I could toss a pigskin around.

Veronica: But lately he’s more about indoor sports. Ya know?


6.  Who is your biggest influence on writing?

All: Madame Eve

To celebate the 200th 1Night Stand, Decadent is giving away


*   $25 Fandango Movie Gift Card, plus 5 1Night Stand series ebooks of winner’s choice

  • Paperback from Decadent Publishing’s vault, plus Decadent swag
  • 5 winners–2 1Night Stand ebooks of winner’s choice.


Use the Rafflecopter Code to enter:

RAFFLECOPTER CODE: a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveawayHarlie’s Rafflecopter Link

9 thoughts on “1NS series Celebration featuring the Sleepy Hollow series by Taryn Kincaid w/2 giveaways

  1. Fun interview! Congratulations to Decadent Publishing on the 200th 1Night Stand book – I’ve read several and enjoyed them quite a bit…will have to check out Taryn’s Sleepy Hollow next!

  2. So thanks for having those rambunctious, um, pals of mine cut up again, Harlie. Please send any dry clearning bills to Decadent. ~T

    Always a gas to drop by here! ~ L and C, V and S, D and M, B and Z, J and M.
    (When do you want us again?) 😉

  3. I’ve seen it and I like it. I’ve had to play catch up and so watched 3 episodes at one setting. I’ve had a lot of premieres to watch lately and it’s been great catching up on all of them 🙂

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