
Harlie is an avid reader and now writer. She lives in East Texas with a very supportive husband and a teenage son. She was born in the great state of Oklahoma, raised in Dallas, TX and now lives in East Texas.

Her only requirement is a HEA for the couple. She is an avowed Harlequin junkie, hence the name of her site. Don’t make fun of Harlequin’s. She will come after you. 🙂

Feel free to poke around the site. If something’s not right, please let her know.


4 thoughts on “Bio

  1. Thanks for hosting the double cover reveal, Harlie. I appreciate you taking the time. I hope you’ll be able to host the virtual book tour next month!! It should be a lot of fun! Regards, Sydney.

  2. I would like to query your agent for my book “The Breath of The Lion.” Would you mine sharing the name? Enjoyed “The Differnce A Day Makes.” Life is so great. ZThanks


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