
Book Review of How I Dumped My Demon by Elizabeth M. Darcy

hidmdHow I Dumped My Demon

By Elizabeth M. Darcy
Blurb:  Abandoned by her mother at a police station, Megan Stonebridge has no idea who she is or why a demon haunts her nightmares. When the dreams become a frightening reality, she questions her sanity.

Putting her faith in a locket inscribed with ancient runes left with her by her mother, Megan must unlock the meaning of the runes before the demon drags her into the underworld. In fear for her life, Megan unknowingly casts a spell that summons a handsome warlock to help her dump her demon.


I love YA/NA paranormal.  You know why?  Its usually a sweet romance, great characters and the plot is always entertaining.  Ms. Darcy delivers on all those points and more.  Love, loved this story.  I’m just hoping that we might (Pretty please?) Another story revolving around Megan and Chase.  😉  Plus, I’m a sucker for a witch, warlock and demon story.

Megan is a witch but doesn’t know it.  Thinking that she is going crazy because of the “dreams” that she is having about a demon coming to claim her, the necklace around her neck and a semi-crappy life, she’s not sure what is going on anymore.  Unbeknownst to her, rubbing her necklace has sent the sexiest warlock/man that she has ever laid eyes on.  Oh my…

What is so intriguing and awesome about Chase and Megan’s story is how Ms. Darcy tied everything together not only at the end but we get answers from questions that most authors leave until the very end.  We learn about the demon, Chase and Megan’s back story as the story unfolds.  There’s no head scratching or WTH moments.  In fact, the twist at the end I never saw coming and it was just the icing on the cake.  🙂

Keep in mind that this is a sweet romance but you can feel the attraction between Chase and Megan.  Chase is a dream.  But seriously, he’s a warlock that can conjure up just about anything.  Plus, he’s a gentleman and truly cares for Megan and her well being.  Again, I’m hoping for a follow up because I just loved them and there is more to their story.  Well, a girl can dream, can’t she?


recommend-harlies- new



Author Bio:

Born in London, England and now living in Australia, Elizabeth enjoys the thrill of writing YA romance and loves all things magical.  She has a passion for history and her sweet historical romance stories are drawn from the history of her heritage to bring readers the delightful imagery of life and love through time. From Norman Knights to Scottish Highlanders and English rakes, Elizabeth creates stories that will remain with the reader long after the final page.




Twitter: @EMDarcyauthor


5 thoughts on “Book Review of How I Dumped My Demon by Elizabeth M. Darcy

    1. I LOVED it! Bring Megan and Chase back for another book. 🙂

      BTW, I love the Evernight Teen line. Great books by some really awesome authors.


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